Important - Platoon Image Upload - Better Battlelog Forums #101336

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Breaking Change: BBLog will not longer support the Image Upload.

After the last battlelog update our own image upload is broken (15. June 2013). They have changed something in the background and on the editor page.

One thing that i want to point out: DICE definetely don't want self made real pictures for platoons. They have talked with us in the past about this. We, BBLog, had raised against this in the talk with DICE and until the last update we supported our own hosted image upload. But for now it's time to shut it off.

This feature always required a lot of our server capacity and BBLog always grow and grow. So, we shut it down for several reasons.
At really first it is because of DICE - We don't want that BBLog will get in struggle in the future with DICE/EA because of that feature. DICE never really had forbidden us that feature but they not really happy about that.
At second because of server capacity - Especially when BF4 is coming out we expect a big user increase. This shut down made sure that all is working fine also when a lot more user will come to BBLog.

So, some bad news for all of you out there: BBLog will not longer support the Image Upload.

But YOU, the community can do something against it.
Create a very active, but friendly, discussion on battlelog, in every language, with all your power to made clear that the community really want a image upload in battlelog for platoons.
DICE will definitely think about it when the community really want it.

Battlelog Threads
EN -
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That's amazing. We don't need the image upload anyway, the battlelog emblem editor is the best, not even Photoshop can beat it.
BrainFooLong wrote:
DICE will definitely think about it when the community really want it.

Are you sure? I don't think so. Are they even in charge for battlelog? I thought ESN (acquired by (of course) EA) is responsible for battlelog.
Technically is ESN = DICE
BrainFooLong wrote:
Technically is ESN = DICE

I hope that DICE will listen to the community for first time...
Thats really Sad:( This Fucked me up *___*
I uploaded my platoon image before 15. June but now its gone, yet other platoons still have there custom platoon image, why?
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From Oct 2011 to Sept 2012 it was possible to upload images (with a trick) directly in battlelog, so the images was visible for all people - All those images are still visible for all people.
From Sept 2012 to June 2013 it was only possible by and for BBLog users. All those images now not visible anymore.

When you see now real images on a platoon they uploaded it in the first period and never changed it.
So if EA\ DICE have gone to the effort to remove newer one's, then why not older one's
Voodoo wrote:
So if EA\ DICE have gone to the effort to remove newer one's, then why not older one's

Ask DICE :)
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PS: But they never removed images, they just disabled the ability to upload images :)
EN Discussion - Not that real friendly, but it's a beginning :)
BrainFooLong wrote:
EN Discussion - Not that real friendly, but it's a beginning :)

All over :(
EA_AgentX wrote:
Custom Platoon image uploads were NEVER supported.

Workarounds/browser extensions circumvented this (and could technically be looked at as a breach of the EA Terms of Service).
pacheddu wrote:
BrainFooLong wrote:
EN Discussion - Not that real friendly, but it's a beginning :)

All over :(
EA_AgentX wrote:
Custom Platoon image uploads were NEVER supported.

Workarounds/browser extensions circumvented this (and could technically be looked at as a breach of the EA Terms of Service).

True, but that doesen't mean he has any say in that matter, he isn't a DICE employee. Premature lock.
Well, that thread lock is very bad from that MOD.
It was a ask from the community to get this in battlelog, in they blocked it.
I'll try to talk with a DICE employee about this lock.
well its not an mod, its the english community manager from EA.
like the german Gamm4 (which blocked me for 1 year in battlelog because i had told an other user whats a WHOIS request/data about websites).

for me... EA / DICE become more and more ridiculous... sorry, my opinion.
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I actually don't understand the lock. People are requesting a feature and the answer is a lock? That can't be right. That's not how you treat your customers. But well, it's EA, I am not sure what I was expecting.

I do really want the platoon image upload back or at least (and it would perfectly fine for me) a possibility to use a Gravatar for your platoon. The emblem editor is not just bad, it's really bad. If I just think about all these community and clan logos, there is no way to recreate them with the Battlelog editor... And a logo is in my opinion a (pretty) important way to represent you and your community or clan.
actually the noobs from EA are locking all topics about platoon image uploads...

currently there is only one open topic in the german board...
but i think this will be closed too after gamm4 or maxmaron have discovered it...
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ORFK wrote:

I like the lock reason. Apparently customer demands are irrelevant and not important.

I guess the Battlelog forum is the wrong place to ask for Battlelog features.
mine is still up since april;
Official news form
, a DICE dev:
Custom emblems were never an intended feature, it exploited a bug in the code. We have no plans to add custom emblems outside of the current way of making emblems, sorry.
They could always implement some features that Google uses to automatically find copyrighted content and inappropriate content, but I imagine they are too busy to start making something like that and wouldn't want to license it.
you shoulnd't believe google in legal issues.. ^^