NAME "Decorated" - Better Battlelog Forums #105982

Get each medal at least once and 500 total....!!!!!!
Hard enough ?
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viper13966 wrote:
Get each medal at least once and 500 total....!!!!!!
Hard enough ?

Hey viper13966,

I am not sure if custom assignments are still under "development". I don't know where to find the information, otherwise I would provide a link but I am pretty sure that BBlog wont get any releases or bigger updates (except urgent bug fixes, etc) until Battlefield 4 is out.

Greetings :-)

Edit: Btw, "unreachable" is not right. I do have 54/57 medals and 1571 in total.
It's totally stupid and unreachable in my opinion.
Brady_The is completely right. There will be no big updates until Battlefield 4 is out.
Too bad you don't create any new ones - about to get the last medal :)
And 500 total should be no problem for better players...