Battlelog Concept design - Better Battlelog Forums #107950

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I have found an awesome Battlelog design. Do you like it?
I have found an awesome Battlelog design. Do you like it? Gf Battlelog would look like this, I would eat a cookie (and no toast)

Looks pretty neat.
And also looks like youtube, everything to the left side, with a huge space in the right side... meh...
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wasakakero wrote:
And also looks like youtube, everything to the left side, with a huge space in the right side... meh...

space on the right side? The space on the right side is probably the smallest thing in there.

Everything else is so huge, hell these things:

Occupy more space than all this:

In all honesty, I don't like it at all.
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Let me be clear then, everything is huge, but this, let keep calling that a... huge space... is making me hate the design, if they center the battle feed, it would be nice for me.

Also, if they delete those banners and crap stuff that
uses, would be wonderful
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It's nice to look at, but the menu controlls are mushed together into one small collumn, which I don't particularly like.
Then the big tiles are just to fill the space, since almost everything you need is in the left menu.
Looks very cool!