is the new battlelog only in english available ?? - Better Battlelog Forums #109448

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the battlelog for bf3 was available in many different languages.
for the beta of bf4 only in english-
is this the only option or did the developers a german translation to ?
RicoSchulz wrote:
the battlelog for bf3 was available in many different languages.
for the beta of bf4 only in english-
is this the only option or did the developers a german translation to ?

The language menu is already accessible (, but it does not work. I would say they are going to release translations with release of the full game at the 29th.
Brady_The wrote:
I would say they are going to release translations with release of the full game at the 29th.

and thats the point. atm, battlelog bf4 is still beta too, like the game. just wait till the release.
Brady_The wrote:
I would say they are going to release translations with release of the full game at the 29th.

Release dates below:

October 29, 2013 (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
United Stated of America

October 31, 2013 (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Europe (most countries)
All other countries

November 1, 2013 (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)
Europe (just a few countries)
Talking about translations, i would like that BF3 translators weren't hired to translate BF4's Battlelog, at least in spanish they suck so hard,
to me
they seems to be using google translator instead of their brains.

It happens in anyone else language?
wasakakero wrote:
It happens in anyone else language?

yes, german f.e.
wasakakero wrote:
Talking about translations, i would like that BF3 translators weren't hired to translate BF4's Battlelog, at least in spanish they suck so hard,
to me
they seems to be using google translator instead of their brains.

It happens in anyone else language?

They buy/hire a company who "translate" interfaces. But they don't see if it's correct or not.
A lot of services have a poor translations (Facebook and Fancy f.e.).

My english is bad, but when i see this translations, i think i have a good english... :(