BF 4 Serverfilter Presets - Better Battlelog Forums #110432

Post edited 1 x times, last by
Hello !!

In Bf 4 the Window with the Serverfilter Presets didnt pop up when I hit the button. In Bf 3 it works and also in the Bf 4 Beta this works.
What version do you use?
Tryout the dev version and check again, if you not already use it.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
BrainFooLong wrote:
What version do you use?
Tryout the dev version and check again, if you not already use it.

I do use and it doesn't work. I can open the menu, enter a preset name, but pressing Enter or the OK button doesn't work (If I leave the input field blank, Enter and OK are responding).
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It also not work without BBLog to update current filters in firefox.
Battlelog is buggy atm. In chrome it does work for me properly.
Great - now with version 3.8 it works !!! Thank you