[BF4][v0.6][01.05.2014] Loadout Sets - Better Battlelog Forums #110861

Post edited 17 x times, last by
Save and load entire sets of equipment! Spare yourself the embarrassment of walking into a sprawling battlefield with the equipment you lived and died by in the cloistered halls of a prison. Most importantly, give yourself and your team those all too valuable moments at the start of a new round that were once wasted on tediously picking through your equipment to suit the challenges you're facing next!


Plans/Ideas/To Do:
Future Needs:
- Translations ** Due to awesome people, this is in great shape.
- Variable number of loadout sets
- Add in sets for vehicles
- ?

Future Wants:
- Per-map triggered auto-selection
- Export/Import of loadouts
- Dice to include this function natively! :P



- Fixed to match changes in BattleLog's loadoutModel data structure
- Fixed the failure to refresh issue
- Assorted other code-side cleanup
- Changed to only update weapons and equipment for infantry kits, vehicles aren't touched.

15-Nov-2013: (and before)
- Added a "Descriptions" button for loadout sections where applicable
- Added a sets menu to the "Playing Battlefield" bar alongside Loadout/Servers/Battlescreen (at the bottom)
- Added "Randomize" button and associated toggle option
- Cleanup and redesign of the sets configuration interface (thanks to Amkhatar for the tip) *(x2 so far)


8-Dec-2013: Updated "cs" translation.

14-Nov-2013: button.togglelocked also unused, feature it applied to is native to battlelog now! I'll do some proper cleaning later.

13-Nov-2013: option.togglelocked isn't currently used and button.text was renamed to button.sets
"button.descriptions" : "Descriptions"

11-Nov-2013: Added:
"button.rename" : "Rename",
"button.random" : "Random",
"button.togglelocked" : "Toggle Locked",
"option.togglelocked" : "Show 'Toggle Locked' button?",
"option.randombutton" : "Show 'Randomize' button?"

As they stand:
translations : {
"en" : {
"plugin.name" : "Loadout Sets",
"button.sets" : "Sets",
"button.save" : "Store",
"button.load" : "Use",
"button.clear" : "Clear",
"prompt.setname" : "Loadout Name: ",
"set.basename" : "Loadout",
"button.rename" : "Rename",
"button.random" : "Random",
"button.togglelocked" : "Toggle Locked",
"option.togglelocked" : "Show 'Toggle Locked' button?",
"option.randombutton" : "Show 'Randomize' button?",
"button.descriptions" : "Descriptions"
"ru" : {
"plugin.name" : "Наборы экипировки",
"button.sets" : "Наборы",
"button.save" : "Сохранить",
"button.load" : "Использовать",
"button.clear" : "Очистить",
"prompt.setname" : "Имя экипировки: ",
"set.basename" : "Экипировка",
"button.rename" : "Переименовать",
"button.random" : "Случайно",
"button.togglelocked" : "Заблокировать",
"option.togglelocked" : "Отображать кнопку блокировки?",
"option.randombutton" : 'Отображать кнопку "Случайно"',
"button.descriptions" : "Описания"
"fr" : {
"plugin.name" : "Jeux d'équipement",
"button.sets" : "Jeux",
"button.save" : "Stocker",
"button.load" : "Utiliser",
"button.clear" : "Vider",
"prompt.setname" : "Nom du jeu d'équipement ",
"set.basename" : "Équipement",
"button.rename" : "Renommer",
"button.random" : "Aléatoire",
"button.togglelocked" : "Améliorations/Débloquées",
"option.togglelocked" : "Affiche le bouton Améliorations/Débloquées",
"option.randombutton" : "Afficher le bouton Aléatoire",
"button.descriptions" : "Descriptions"
"cs" : {
"plugin.name" : "Sady vybavení",
"button.sets" : "Sady",
"button.save" : "Uložit",
"button.load" : "Použít",
"button.clear" : "Vyčistit",
"prompt.setname" : "Název výbavy: ",
"set.basename" : "Výbava",
"button.rename" : "Přejmenovat",
"button.random" : "Náhodně",
"option.randombutton" : "Ukázat tlačítko 'Náhodně'?",
"button.descriptions" : "Popisy"
"de" : {
"plugin.name" : "Ausrüstungen",
"button.sets" : "Sätze",
"button.save" : "Speichern",
"button.load" : "Ausrüsten",
"button.clear" : "Zurücksetzen",
"prompt.setname" : "Name der Ausrüstung: ",
"set.basename" : "Ausrüstung",
"button.rename" : "Umbenennen",
"button.random" : "Zufallsausrüstung",
"button.togglelocked" : "Gesperrt umschalten",
"option.togglelocked" : "Button 'Gesperrt umschalten' anzeigen?",
"option.randombutton" : "Button 'Zufallsausrüstung' anzeigen?",
"button.descriptions" : "Descriptions"
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Looks neat. I always missed a function to swap fast between different load-outs without dozens of clicks.

German translation

"de" : {
"plugin.name" : "Ausrüstungen",
"button.text" : "Sätze",
"button.save" : "Speichern",
"button.load" : "Ausrüsten",
"button.clear" : "Zurücksetzen",
"prompt.setname" : "Name der Ausrüstung: ",
"set.basename" : "Ausrüstung"
Nice feature!

Post edited 4 x times, last by
Awesome, thanks

French translations

"fr" : {
"plugin.name" : "Jeux d'équipement",
"button.text" : "Jeux",
"button.save" : "Stocker",
"button.load" : "Utiliser",
"button.clear" : "Vider",
"prompt.setname" : "Nom du jeu d'équipement ",
"set.basename" : "Équipement",
"button.rename" : "Renommer",
"button.random" : "Aléatoire",
"button.togglelocked" : "Améliorations/Débloquées",
"option.togglelocked" : "Affiche le bouton Améliorations/Débloquées",
"option.randombutton" : "Afficher le bouton Aléatoire"

I think it will be a good idea to add vehicles sets and separate them of infantry classes !

In addition i think the loadout popup is not very handy to use in game
I made a layout i think more usable

Czech translation

"en" : {
"plugin.name" : "Sady vybavení",
"button.text" : "Sady",
"button.save" : "Uložit",
"button.load" : "Použít",
"button.clear" : "Clear",
"prompt.setname" : "Název výbavy: ",
"set.basename" : "Výbava"
Russian translation

"ru" : {
"plugin.name" : "Наборы экипировки",
"button.text" : "Наборы",
"button.save" : "Сохранить",
"button.load" : "Использовать",
"button.clear" : "Очистить",
"prompt.setname" : "Имя экипировки: ",
"set.basename" : "Экипировка"
Amkhatar wrote:
Awesome, thanks

French translations

"fr" : {
"plugin.name" : "Jeux d'équipement",
"button.text" : "Jeux",
"button.save" : "Stocker",
"button.load" : "Utiliser",
"button.clear" : "Vider",
"prompt.setname" : "Nom du jeu d'équipement ",
"set.basename" : "Équipement"

I think it will be a good idea to add vehicles sets and separate them of infantry classes !

The vehicles separate from kits I should be able to do fairly easily... but the kit-side separation ran into a huge wall when I realized weapon
are global to the weapon in the way it's stored... I understand why from the data structure side, but it's still incredibly eye-twitch inducing.

Amkhatar wrote:
In addition i think the loadout popup is not very handy to use in game
I made a layout i think more usable
<awesome pics here>

That... is
what it needed, I think! It wasn't even particularly handy to use out of game, I just hadn't magically come up with any good ideas on where to put all that mess. I can code just fine, but make me design something visual from scratch and I blank about half the time.

Integrated that, the translations (while adding a couple more things to translate, sorry!), and an option for both
toggle locked
buttons. I need to track down a 'reset plugin data' trick... at the very least for my own testing purposes. I
have pushed a release with a
bug in the default set names...
*whistles innocently*
Post edited 1 x times, last by
poisonblx wrote:

11-Nov-2013: Added "button.rename" : "Rename",
"button.random" : "Random",
"button.togglelocked" : "Toggle Locked",
"option.togglelocked" : "Show 'Toggle Locked' button?",
"option.randombutton" : "Show 'Randomize' button?"

There we go:
German translation

"de" : {
"plugin.name" : "Ausr&uuml;stungen",
"button.text" : "S&auml;tze",
"button.save" : "Speichern",
"button.load" : "Ausr&uuml;sten",
"button.clear" : "Zur&uuml;cksetzen",
"prompt.setname" : "Name der Ausr&uuml;stung: ",
"set.basename" : "Ausr&uuml;stung"
"button.rename" : "Umbenennen",
"button.random" : "Zufallsausr&uuml;stung erstellen",
"button.togglelocked" : "Gesperrtes Zubeh&ouml;r umschalten",
"option.togglelocked" : "Button 'Gesperrtes Zubeh&ouml;r' anzeigen?",
"option.randombutton" : "Button 'Zufallsausr&uuml;stung erstellen' anzeigen?"
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Is it possible to install this plugin on chrome now that BBLog's installed through the chrome web store?

Edit: nevermind
Post edited 5 x times, last by
Brady_The wrote:

There we go:
German translation

"de" : {
"plugin.name" : "Ausr&uuml;stungen",
"button.text" : "S&auml;tze",
"button.save" : "Speichern",
"button.load" : "Ausr&uuml;sten",
"button.clear" : "Zur&uuml;cksetzen",
"prompt.setname" : "Name der Ausr&uuml;stung: ",
"set.basename" : "Ausr&uuml;stung"
"button.rename" : "Umbenennen",
"button.random" : "Zufallsausr&uuml;stung",
"button.togglelocked" : "Gesperrt umschalten",
"option.togglelocked" : "Button 'Gesperrt umschalten' anzeigen?",
"option.randombutton" : "Button 'Zufallsausr&uuml;stung' anzeigen?"

Welp, as I already thought are button.random and button.togglelocked too big due to the German expressions. I adjusted button.random (see spoiler), but I do have to think about button.togglelocked.

Edit: I adjusted button.togglelocked as well. It's not perfect, but smaller.

Obski wrote:
Is it possible to install this plugin on chrome now that BBLog's installed through the chrome web store?

Yes. Nothing really changed. The installation file is just hosted on chrome.google.com instead getbblog.com.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
poisonblx wrote:

Integrated that, the translations (while adding a couple more things to translate, sorry!), and an option for both
toggle locked
buttons. I need to track down a 'reset plugin data' trick... at the very least for my own testing purposes.

Happy I inspired you with my artwork...if I should add something a margin-right: 4px for buttons will be fine ;)
No problem for translations...I updated my first post.
I didn't translated "toggle.." because i don't see what it is and it seems it doesn't work as "sets" button ?!

Edit: thx Brady, understood and translated

Poisonblx : The set button don't show submenu on my chrome ? bug or just me ?

idea for the toogle button,2 button state ?!
- All loadout
- Unlocked loadout
maybe useless ?!

good job again !
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Amkhatar wrote:
I didn't translated "toggle.." because i don't see what it is and it seems it doesn't work as "sets" button ?!

It does toggle locked gun attachments. You have to activate it in the options first. :-)

Toggle Locked: No

Toggle Locked: Yes

Post edited 1 x times, last by
Amkhatar wrote:
poisonblx wrote:

Integrated that, the translations (while adding a couple more things to translate, sorry!), and an option for both
toggle locked
buttons. I need to track down a 'reset plugin data' trick... at the very least for my own testing purposes.

Happy I inspired you with my artwork...if I should add something a margin-right: 4px for buttons will be fine ;)
No problem for translations...I updated my first post.
I didn't translated "toggle.." because i don't see what it is and it seems it doesn't work as "sets" button ?!

Edit: thx Brady, understood and translated

Poisonblx : The set button don't show submenu on my chrome ? bug or just me ?

idea for the toogle button,2 button state ?!
- All loadout
- Unlocked loadout
maybe useless ?!

good job again !

Yep, Brady nailed it on the explanation of what that button is... and yep! That's a bug! Think I squished it... I'm contemplating a better approach to show/hide of locked items. Maybe as little as just "Show Locked" and "Hide Locked" for it.

I'm also contemplating (strongly) adding the loadout set buttons to the battlescreen page... so I don't even have to drop out of it to switch.
Post edited 3 x times, last by
poisonblx wrote:
I'm contemplating a better approach to show/hide of locked items. Maybe as little as just "Show Locked" and "Hide Locked" for it.

I'm also contemplating (strongly) adding the loadout set buttons to the battlescreen page... so I don't even have to drop out of it to switch.

For me the toggle button is not fit to be at this current place (useless, crowded, not the same level of importance as SAVE or RESET button).

IMHO, it could be next to the compare button for weapons


and for accessories
You could add it at the same place


Bonus : You can add an another button "Descriptions" which show/hide all descriptions at the same time


Extra-Bonus : A fixed div for buttons...very useful !
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Amkhatar wrote:
IMHO, it could be next to the compare button for weapons
and for accessories
Extra-Bonus : A fixed div for buttons...very useful !

Awesome ideas. Especially the position of the toggle button. I am really not satisfied with the short, butchered German translation (due to resulting length of button). Lol
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Amkhatar wrote:
For me the toggle button is not fit to be at this current place (useless, crowded, not the same level of importance as SAVE or RESET button).

IMHO, it could be next to the compare button for weapons


Done, except for the visual indicator (the dark grey wants to overrun the white hilite on me, I'll fight with it later).
EDIT: Well, it occured to me that there's a builtin 'draw attention' class, even though it's not as pretty as the white. Kicks it orange like the "Save" button.

Amkhatar wrote:
and for accessories
You could add it at the same place



Amkhatar wrote:
Bonus : You can add an another button "Descriptions" which show/hide all descriptions at the same time



Amkhatar wrote:
Extra-Bonus : A fixed div for buttons...very useful !

And done. It'll be a bit before I push it out, I need to actually, properly, test it. And I'm tempted to get my quick button on the "loadout/servers/battlescreen" bar working too.

Brady_The wrote:
Amkhatar wrote:
IMHO, it could be next to the compare button for weapons
and for accessories
Extra-Bonus : A fixed div for buttons...very useful !

Awesome ideas. Especially the position of the toggle button. I am really not satisfied with the short, butchered German translation (due to resulting length of button). Lol

Well, on the downside to that, the layout leans strongly towards fixed width buttons on that bar, though I might be able to butcher an auto-resize together if needed.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Looks like poisonbl.freeshell.org is down? Is it coming back? Otherwise you could switch to
, reliable service with a high uptime.
The resized loadout names and re-located "Toggle Locked" button are much better, and the "Descriptions" tab works fabulously. Good work, sir.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Brady_The wrote:
Looks like poisonbl.freeshell.org is down? Is it coming back? Otherwise you could switch to
, reliable service with a high uptime.

Yeah... that was a hiccup that shouldn't happen again. I changed membership level on freeshell there. Rediculous uptime when I'm not being migrated between servers because I gave 'em more money.

Hydroskull wrote:
The resized loadout names and re-located "Toggle Locked" button are much better, and the "Descriptions" tab works fabulously. Good work, sir.

You're playing with the Dev version, aren't ya?
Post edited 2 x times, last by
poisonblx wrote:
You're playing with the Dev version, aren't ya?

Hydroskull wrote:
poisonblx wrote:
You're playing with the Dev version, aren't ya?


if you dont know that, you shoudn't handle with PC, macs and Software.
latest running version is 3.8.1 - latest published beta/dev version is
Post edited 3 x times, last by
ORFK wrote:
if you dont know that, you shoudn't handle with PC, macs and Software.
latest running version is 3.8.1 - latest published beta/dev version is

I was referring to the dev variant of my plugin rather than BBLog itself, and he was being sarcastic in the uncertainty there, since I'd warned him away from it on one hand, while tempting him with features and cleanup on the other.

EDIT: And, more importantly, new toys! Updated and should be working well.


EDIT (2): And, of course, now Battlelog updates and breaks my toys :P ... I'll get the "descriptions" button back working, but now they have a built-in "Hide Locked" button that works much better than anything I was going to put together for the job :P

EDIT (3): Descriptions button back working, ram install (yay Ebay, my 4gb will soon be 8gb), game update, and dinner (big, tasty, burrito) to go before I get back to checking that everything else is in working order with this now... but I'll get there.
I am not sure if it was there from the beginning or not, but I just noticed the little Sets button in the game manager. That's awesome and really comes in handy.
RU translation update

"ru" : {
"plugin.name" : "Наборы экипировки",
"button.sets" : "Наборы",
"button.save" : "Сохранить",
"button.load" : "Использовать",
"button.clear" : "Очистить",
"prompt.setname" : "Имя экипировки: ",
"set.basename" : "Экипировка",
"button.rename" : "Переименовать",
"button.random" : "Случайно",
"button.togglelocked" : "Заблокировать",
"option.togglelocked" : "Отображать кнопку блокировки?",
"option.randombutton" : "Отображать кнопку "Случайно"",
"button.descriptions" : "Описания"
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Is anyone else noticing the "Sets" button on the server bar flash while the server loads? I don't know if I was imagining things, or if it is acting funny.

Update: It happened for a second server. The blinking is not in any kind of regular pattern, but rather at seemingly random times.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Yeah, there's a little bit of a stutter in the way it rebuilds that bar during a game load, and destroys the elements that're there when it does it, sets button included. The visual stutter you *see* is the fact that it doesn't get back around to re-creating the button for a moment after it's done re-doing things battlelog-side, giving the redraw lag there. Same general reason the loadout page changes take a moment after pageload to actually materialize too.

Edit: Also, updated for a touch of cleanup, RU translation update, and a slight change in the animations used on the various moving parts.
dapil wrote:

That. That is friggin awesome. Couldn't have asked for anything better. Now, of course, if any of the features they add in related to it are lacking something... I'll likely go adding toys back in. But... also, randomly, wow. Apparently the EA, BF, etc forums aren't the place to get DICE attention to the little things... reddit is! (and with some spectacularly clear, complete, and detailed responses too. Definitely appears to draw out the best from the playerbase tone-wise too, compared to the whine-fest of the forums...)
I am having difficulty with this plugin.
On both Chrome and Firefox, I cannot find the "sets" button, but the joining bar shows a "sets" button along with the multiple loadouts buttons.

Pressing the buttons doesn't seem to do anything, so to me at least, this plugin is completely non-functional.
Dark-Ethereal wrote:
I am having difficulty with this plugin.
On both Chrome and Firefox, I cannot find the "sets" button, but the joining bar shows a "sets" button along with the multiple loadouts buttons.

Pressing the buttons doesn't seem to do anything, so to me at least, this plugin is completely non-functional.

Well, until something's stored for a given set on the list it doesn't actually change anything in your loadout (I did this so accidentally clicking an unconfigured set doesn't cludge up your current loadout). That you get at least that much tells me the plugin's actually loading and running at least. When you pull up the Loadout page it should have the four sets listed below the breadcrumbs and "Reset/Save" buttons, and the "Sets" button should appear to the left of "Reset" (and Randomize to the left of that if it's enabled).


Firstly, does the "Loadout Sets" configuration section show up in the BBLog config page properly (should just include "Show 'Randomize' button?" as a configuration option)?

Secondly, what other plugins do you have enabled?

I just tested on Chrome and it doesn't appear anything's changed on battlelog's end to break it recently. I'll pull up FF and make sure there too...
Czech translation update:
"cs" : {
"plugin.name" : "Sady vybavení",
"button.sets" : "Sady",
"button.save" : "Uložit",
"button.load" : "Použít",
"button.clear" : "Vyčistit",
"prompt.setname" : "Název výbavy: ",
"set.basename" : "Výbava",
"button.rename" : "Přejmenovat",
"button.random" : "Náhodně",
"option.randombutton" : "Ukázat tlačítko 'Náhodně'?",
"button.descriptions" : "Popisy"
dapil wrote:
Czech translation update:
"cs" : {
"plugin.name" : "Sady vybavení",
"button.sets" : "Sady",
"button.save" : "Uložit",
"button.load" : "Použít",
"button.clear" : "Vyčistit",
"prompt.setname" : "Název výbavy: ",
"set.basename" : "Výbava",
"button.rename" : "Přejmenovat",
"button.random" : "Náhodně",
"option.randombutton" : "Ukázat tlačítko 'Náhodně'?",
"button.descriptions" : "Popisy"

Updated! Thanks!

Can you put this on Github? I'd love to fork it and play around.
Johntron wrote:
Can you put this on Github? I'd love to fork it and play around.

Ask and ye shall receive!

poisonblx wrote:

Well, until something's stored for a given set on the list it doesn't actually change anything in your loadout (I did this so accidentally clicking an unconfigured set doesn't cludge up your current loadout). That you get at least that much tells me the plugin's actually loading and running at least. When you pull up the Loadout page it should have the four sets listed below the breadcrumbs and "Reset/Save" buttons, and the "Sets" button should appear to the left of "Reset" (and Randomize to the left of that if it's enabled).


Firstly, does the "Loadout Sets" configuration section show up in the BBLog config page properly (should just include "Show 'Randomize' button?" as a configuration option)?

Secondly, what other plugins do you have enabled?

I just tested on Chrome and it doesn't appear anything's changed on battlelog's end to break it recently. I'll pull up FF and make sure there too...

I do see the randomize sets option in BBLog settings, but if I tick it there is no visible effect in the loadout page.
The plugin does seem to be running, but not showing anything to do with the loadout page at all.
I am on chrome, but I have tried it with opera as well (I think it was opera, might have been FF), but no dice!

Other BBLog Plugins: Copy Emblem (working)
Other Chrome plugins: LastPass, SmoothScroll, Autopager, Adblock Plus, Avast, and other things that shouldnt affect it at all.

On a final note, I used to use notscript javascript blocker whitelisting thing, but I removed it because I decided it was more hassle than help. I have used javascript blockers on most of my web browsers at some point but currently don't have any that are whitelisting.
I have a suspicion however that there may be some javascript elements on certain pages that still arn't working. I know that I used to be unable to use mega.co.nz even with everything enabled (I think the design has changed now though, and it seems to work now).
I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but when I click the loadout name, nothing changes. Open the weapon, and it is what should have shown up. Go back to loadout, and everything has changed. When you click on the name, it does what it should, but doesn't show you until you force a refresh.
Same for me
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Hydroskull wrote:
I'm not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but when I click the loadout name, nothing changes. Open the weapon, and it is what should have shown up. Go back to loadout, and everything has changed. When you click on the name, it does what it should, but doesn't show you until you force a refresh.

Hrm. Looks like some changes to Battlelog on the backend causing it. Prodding it now.


Still haven't found a fix for this, it looks like my code's actually tripping over a bug in Battlelog itself, rather than just doing something wrong, but I'm a bit puzzled by how to work around it at the moment to get it back working. I'll pull open the battlelog backend code this evening to see if I can sort out another route. I'll likely end up implementing separate weapon vs vehicle loadouts too, if I have to take the approach that comes to mind.
IDK what changed recently, but now it all works! Horay!
I still have the updating bug: when I click on the Set button, nothing changes (not even with an F5), but if I click on one of the classes and go back everything gets correctly updated.
Hi there,

I may have missed this but can these sets be activated in game? I've set all my loadout sets up in Battlelog no problem, but how do I / can I activate them in game?

KempasUK wrote:
Hi there,

I may have missed this but can these sets be activated in game? I've set all my loadout sets up in Battlelog no problem, but how do I / can I activate them in game?


Sadly, since I can't prod the game-side code like I can the browser-side javascript, Battlelog's the only place I can make these toys available. I heard rumor of DICE actually working on something similar, which would hopefully be available in game, as well as hopefully storing the saved sets server side (right now it's local to a given browser, so it doesn't carry between your desktop and laptop, for example), but it may be a while before that's properly released.
Ah, well it's an awesome idea. I hope DICE thinks to include it (although they'll probably wait for BF5).

Sorry for my ignorance, but cheers for realising a fine concept!
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Gliptal wrote:
I still have the updating bug: when I click on the Set button, nothing changes (not even with an F5), but if I click on one of the classes and go back everything gets correctly updated.

Ages late here, but finally tracked down the issue with this and fixed it, as well as a few other little tweaks and updates (like, say, making it work again
at all
with some of the changes in battlelog's code).

EDIT: I should note, any existing saved sets are lost (sorry!) in this update, though the names will stick around. With as long as it's likely been since it all worked properly last, though, I hope nothing too much is damaged by that little stumble.
Hi there !

First i have to say thanks for your Work on that useful Plugin.it woks correct in the setup screen for each
But if I start Bf4 on XboxOne by the Battlefield Gamelauncher (incl. in bblog) and activate the Livescoring
, ill get some different Results each Time I refresh the serverbrowser.hope you got an Idea!

-here are some screenshots

1. i think , this is the one that works correct


2. this is what happens after refreshing


it would not disturbing me so much , if one of them did work.But they dont.
If i click one of the four icons,nothing changes.

3. if i refresh the serverbrowser again i will get the 3rd different screen with the enabled plugins like each other try!


hope you can fix it or help me otherwise.
here is the list of my enabled plugins :http://i61.tinypic.com/2dv743n.jpg

thanks for the help . . . .
RicoSchulz wrote:
Hi there !

First i have to say thanks for your Work on that useful Plugin.it woks correct in the setup screen for each
But if I start Bf4 on XboxOne by the Battlefield Gamelauncher (incl. in bblog) and activate the Livescoring
, ill get some different Results each Time I refresh the serverbrowser.hope you got an Idea!

While I'm not sure what's breaking formatting there (i.e. kicking it horizontal -- I didn't even see that with all those plugins loaded in firefox on my end)... the simple fact that it doesn't work after the refresh appears to be caused by the fact that battlelog drops the background copy of the loadout that it holds if you've hit the loadout page at least once. I'm looking into how to force-load it when needed now, though I worry
approach might well break every time esn/dice change something on the back end.

Thanks for the heads up on the oddity :)

On an unrelated note, of those plugins, these appear to be bad links now:
http://p0mp.com/bblog3/fix/plugin.js <- error page
<- 404
<- error page

And this link doesn't actually load the script itself:
https://github.com/NikkiLoveGod/Assignmentinfo/blob/master/assignmentinfo.js <- loads full github page

But that isn't the source of the lack of functionality of the quick loadout button.
Portuguese language

"pt" : {
"plugin.name" : "Configuração",
"button.sets" : "Kits",
"button.save" : "Salvar",
"button.load" : "Usar",
"button.clear" : "Limpar",
"prompt.setname" : "Nome do kit: ",
"set.basename" : "Kits",
"button.rename" : "Renomear",
"button.random" : "Aleatório",
"button.togglelocked" : "Mudar Estado Bloqueado",
"option.togglelocked" : "Mostrar botão de bloqueio?",
"option.randombutton" : 'Mostrar botão de aleatório',
"button.descriptions" : "Descrição"
I have found a bug:
first i saw


and then i noticed that everytime when i save a loadout in presets

it will be one line more

Please fix that
Post edited 1 x times, last by
D4rkBurn wrote:
I have found a bug:
Please fix that

Poisonblx released a very useful plugin but is now outdated since the last battlelog update (yesterday).

The new battlelog version is not very handy maybe you, poisonblx, could adapt your plugin ?!
- save your loadouts
- modify a preset
- change presets roll over navigation to buttons...
Amkhatar wrote:
D4rkBurn wrote:
I have found a bug:
Please fix that

Poisonblx released a very useful plugin but is now outdated since the last battlelog update (yesterday).

The new battlelog version is not very handy maybe you, poisonblx, could adapt your plugin ?!
- save your loadouts
- modify a preset
- change presets roll over navigation to buttons...

A nice feature would be the ability to export the loadout too.And import..to share with friends.