Minor improvements/feature wishes - Better Battlelog Forums #111170

Post edited 4 x times, last by
Hey Brain,

I do have some feature wishes or questions.

1. Are local comments coming back?
They are imo pretty useful
(I guess a "password manager" to connect to private servers without password prompt would be an overkill, lol.)

http(s):// links are clickable.
Is it possible to add ts3server:// and mumble://
(both web links to connect comfortable, easy and fast to ts3 and mumble server)

Thank you for considering my requests. :-)

1. Definetly.
2. First time i hear this, but the chance to get this is high.
BrainFooLong wrote:
1. Definetly.
2. First time i hear this, but the chance to get this is high.

Awesome! Thank you.
Post edited 6 x times, last by
I am not sure if it's just me, but the weapon information stop scrolling if you reach position/rank 35 in the list. Is it possible to fix that?

Edit: It happens after you expand the weapons list.

Edit 2: The container is actually moved to the end of the list.
Yop, it's a battlelog bug. They didn't update the max. vertical scroll amount after you expand the list.