[BF4/BF3ish]Battlefeed Filter - Better Battlelog Forums #111198

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There is so much going on in the feed. With this you can select what you don't want to see. So far it can block battlereports, battlepacks, forum posts, and I am working on trying to block favorited servers.


Dropbox decided to move the file to a new URL. This one should work.

What do you think?

23-12-2013 Added a filter to remove the friendship messages.
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GameFreakBoy wrote:
What do you think?

It's awesome. I don't really care about other peoples battle packs. Especially because most share literally every single one, not just an awesome bundle, etc.
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GameFreakBoy wrote:
There is so much going on in the feed. With this you can select what you don't want to see. So far it can block battlereports, battlepacks, forum posts, and I am working on trying to block favorited servers.


What do you think?

I think this might be what you're after for sniping those favorited servers:
$("#main-feed-container .feed-story-heading a[href^='/bf4/servers/show']").parents('li.feed-single-item').remove();

Aside from that, I like it! I might actually, occasionally, glance at the battlefeed now.
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Nice plugin! Would be possible to block the unlocks too? And what about the campaign missions report?
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Dendari wrote:
Nice plugin! Would be possible to block the unlocks too? And what about the campaign missions report?

Well, for campaign missions, grabbing with this should do the trick:
$("#main-feed-container .feed-story-heading a[href^='/bf4/campaign/level']").parents('li.feed-single-item')

unlocks vary a bit based on type from what I can tell, but the people on my friends list aren't overly spam-tastic enough for me to test these:
$('.award-item').parents('.feed-story') // might cover everything, probably too much!
$('.award-item .vehicleunlock_unlock').parents('li.feed-single-item')
$('.award-item .dogtags').parents('li.feed-single-item')
$('.award-item .weapon_unlock').parents('li.feed-single-item')
$('.award-item .battlepacks').parents('li.feed-single-item')
$('.award-item .servicestar').parents('li.feed-single-item') or $('.award-item .award_star').parents('li.feed-single-item')
$('.award-item .award_ribbons').parents('li.feed-single-item')

As an added bonus, for the game-specific items (aka anything other than "now friends!")
$("span.common-gameicon-hori.common-game-2048-1").parents('li.feed-single-item') // BF4 - PC
$("span.common-gameicon-hori.common-game-2-1").parents('li.feed-single-item') // BF3 - PC
$("span.common-gameicon-hori.common-game-4096-1").parents('li.feed-single-item') // MOHW - PC

Values for common-game-<gameid>-<platformid>:
var games = {
BFBC2 : 1,
BF3 : 2,
BF1942 : 4,
BF1943 : 8,
BF2 : 32,
BF2142 : 64,
BFBC : 128,
BFMC : 512,
BFP4F : 1024,
/* */
WARSAW : 2048,
/* */
MOHW : 4096
var platforms = {
PC : 1,
XBOX360 : 2,
PS3 : 4,
XBOX : 8,
PS2 : 16,
PS4 : 32,

But... that's just things I tripped over in the process of digging through the code for my own purposes, it's up to GameFreakBoy to decide if he wants to go about sifting through all that :)
Once I get back to my machine I will play with it. Im posting this from a tablet now. Thanks for the help poison. :)
I haven't used href very much.
Is it just me or it doesn't work if you're in the BF3 Battlelog?
Looks like it's just setup to run against BF4, though I believe the structure of the feed's the same on everything it uses, so it might be able to be applied directly to both.
I was thinking of making an option to block all of bf4 feed from bf3.
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This seems to want to delete all posts, even ones that have the BF3 icon. Any ideas?
var bf4Icon = $('span[class^=".common-game-2048-"]')
$("#main-feed-container .feed-story-infoarea").children().children(bf4Icon).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().remove();

It worked without the variable. Although I can't say if it will work when other platforms other than PC are involved.
Any chance you could filter the friend messages, such as X and Y are now friends?
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Just added it.
Try it out. :D
Can you please add blocking of BFH items in BF4 feed?