Server browser: Sorting server / live scoreboard [] - Better Battlelog Forums #111743

Post edited 3 x times, last by
Hi Brain,

somehow Better Battlelog messes up the server browser a little bit. Sorting the server doesn't really work (tested with ping and players). I also noticed that the mini live scoreboard in the server browser just gives you the error message "Failed to load live scoreboard", while it does work when BBlog is disabled.

I tested it a few times, please don't be me, please don't be me, please don't be me.

PS: Love the new features though! Great work.
Hi, yep i know.
I already have a fix for it locally.

About the live scoreboard, that should not be a problem from BBLog - For me it work with or without BBLog.
And it sometime doesn't work, doesn't matter if BBLog is enabled or not.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
BrainFooLong wrote:
Hi, yep i know.
I already have a fix for it locally.

BrainFooLong wrote:
About the live scoreboard, that should not be a problem from BBLog - For me it work with or without BBLog.
And it sometime doesn't work, doesn't matter if BBLog is enabled or not.

Well, it's probably the typical Brady coincidence.

Edit: Well, of course I forgot to test if plugins interfere with Battlelog. It was
. I don't even know where I got it from and why.
The plugin is for Battlefield 3 and was made before Battlefield 4 release.