Server browser: Local comment [] - Better Battlelog Forums #111875

Post edited 3 x times, last by
Hey Brain,

for some reason the local comments texarea in the server browser disappears as soon as you select another server.

Edit: For the sake of completeness; links to server in the server radar are broken (General Improvements) ([...]
[...] instead [...]
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Thx, fixed in next version.
About wrong link, this happen for old entries that you didn't have changed a while (old url schema).
Links are fix stored with a comment change.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
BrainFooLong wrote:
Thx, fixed in next version.
About wrong link, this happen for old entries that you didn't have changed a while (old url schema).
Links are fix stored with a comment change.

Thanks and hm, I had the same problem with a new added server, but well, it might be just me.

Edit: Tested it again, new entries have the same problem.
Where did you entered the comment? Serverbrowser or Server Page? BF4 or BF3?
What link did you get exactly?
Post edited 8 x times, last by
BrainFooLong wrote:
Where did you entered the comment? Serverbrowser or Server Page? BF4 or BF3?
What link did you get exactly?

The comments are fine. The problem appears in General Improvements -> Server Radar. BF4.

For example:
turns into

(Comment is getting saved with
, which is fine)

Sorry if I wasn't clear enough!
Ah, check. Server Radar is wrong. Well, will check it.