Would be nice to have a thumbs up / thumbs down on the server listing with an overall rating.
One thing worse than playing on a server with a cheater is playing on servers with terrible admins. It would be nice to know that there is potential for having a bad time on a server.
Something similar to the local comments could be done, but most likely collaborative ratings won't be done.
BBLog will not include public ratings for a server.
This is not fair in different ways - Public ratings/likes/etc. are never "objective", they depend very much on the daily situation of a player.
I think this idea is good, I hate servers where you get autobalanced every 2min(bf3)
First prototype:
I'll look into how I'll do the rating system and whether I'll add a full rating system or not. Also have to think about a way to stop players from rage voting (because of a bad KD).
BrainFooLong wrote:
BBLog will not include public ratings for a server.
This is not fair in different ways - Public ratings/likes/etc. are never "objective", they depend very much on the daily situation of a player.
No disrespect but this isn't in the feature requests. I can understand bblog not wanting to officially add this. Its no different than say the cheat o' meter.
Well maybe an over rating is a bad idea. but a likes/dislikes number without the server being "ranked" in any kind of way wouldn't hurt. there needs to be a stat that shows in general players did or did not like playing on this server for whatever reason. 50 players disliked a server maybe because they had a bad KD but 100 liked it. I'd join that server. If 10 people liked a server but 30 people didn't, it doesn't matter the reason. There's tons of servers I wouldn't waste time trying to figure out what that server in particular has got it bad.
Looks awesome!
Sorry, didn't looked at the section.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Sorry that there were no news lately... It's exams time here for me. (= Almost no free time)
Here is the current progress (does not look very different from the previous screenshot, but back then it only was a mockup without any dynamic (AJAX) functions):
Things to do on the front end:
- Add a way to rate
- Database
Got a few things in mind which I also want to do, but that will take time.
Plugin Developer
One idea, when a user disconnects from a server (you can use the text in the blue bar or the color next to your avatar), show a popup with the rating buttons.
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Thanks for the awesome idea dapil, I've used it. This is the first public version:
, try it out if you want. Feedback is welcome.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Plugin Developer
Plugin Developer
The menu item (<li class="fieldrating"><a href="#"><i class="icon-chartbars icon-grey"></i>Rate Server</a></li>) is being added indefinitely. Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m. When I click on a server in server browser, the rate bar disappears and appears again after few seconds. And I can vote multiple times.
Otherwise it's great! An option to show the popup automatically after disconnecting would be awesome.
dapil wrote:
The menu item (<li class="fieldrating"><a href="#"><i class="icon-chartbars icon-grey"></i>Rate Server</a></li>) is being added indefinitely. Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m. When I click on a server in server browser, the rate bar disappears and appears again after few seconds. And I can vote multiple times.
Otherwise it's great! An option to show the popup automatically after disconnecting would be awesome.
Fixed the things, thanks for your feedback! (The rate bar dis/appearing thing is because it refreshes)
here is Bub3812(xboxone)-first ,your idea is great ! but where is the button to select between like and dislike?