Add the user to radar - Better Battlelog Forums #111995

Post edited 2 x times, last by
Hello guys, why does not add the user to radar, as in BetterBattlelog for BF 3?
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Because it's not that easy anymore to get a list of all players to a server in the serverbrowser.
Some extra requests are required for the selected server in the serverbrowser to get a list of all players (before livescoreboard it was impossible).

But maybe they changed something in the meanwhile - I need to recheck my options.
Thanks for the explanation, I was not sure if the error is not only on my side.
Uh! We need this Plugin :)
In BF3 there was a lot of cheaters that we catch and share the list.
Upcoming in next release.
BrainFooLong wrote:
Upcoming in next release.

Figures, I'm removing the POS (it is now) because of it,
BrainFooLong wrote:
Upcoming in next release.

You may remove my account, Even the E-mail address is a spam collector.
I don't understand any of that what you say.
BrainFooLong wrote:
I don't understand any of that what you say.

take it easy, you're not alone :-D
when are we getting player radar back???
Rotten-Necros wrote:
when are we getting player radar back???

Next release.
BrainFooLong wrote:
Upcoming in next release.

Or you can download the DEV Channel release if you want it now.