Title edited by Admin - Better Battlelog Forums #112374

Post edited 2 x times, last by
Hallo allerseits ,
ich habe einen eigenden server der immer online ist und immer stabil.

ich möchte euch dran teilhaben lassen .

besucht uns doch einfach mal auf dem server und wir können zusammen eine runde daddeln =)

würde mich freuen
peace out

Please post only in English.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Sry but this is too much of spam in one post.

1. You not complied with rule 1 of our board.
2. Useless title and CAPS only - Removed
3. Signature with full of code spam also to your server, Signature to your projects is ok but keep it simple and don't spam the links multiple times - Removed

Once again and we will block your account here. It's not advertising platform for your server on BF4.