Selected server to see added favorites - Better Battlelog Forums #113650

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I would like to know if it is possible to see how many people have added a given server to their favorites by viewing the server's full description page.

The purpose of this would be having the ability to track regular players who are clicking on your server directly from favorites vs random players from the "Join Now" feature that is implemented on Official servers.
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This is impossible because that summed data doesn't exist.
BrainFooLong wrote:
This is impossible because that summed data doesn't exist.

this is correct. but anyway, I collect that data:

I can implement that into a bblog plugin.
Cool, didn't knew that.

But this
The purpose of this would be having the ability to track regular players who are clicking on your server directly from favorites vs random players from the "Join Now" feature that is implemented on Official servers.

cannot be determined anyway.