BBLog Signature only allows text. This is because of some really stupid people in the past that massively spammed with our feature in the forums with videos and big images in the sig.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
BrainFooLong wrote:
BBLog Signature only allows text. This is because of some really
stupid people in the past that massively spammed with our feature
in the forums with videos and big images in the sig.
And this is why we can't have nice things :(
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I probably shouldn't throw ideas in here because I have absolutely no clue about development, but wouldn't it be possible to add an option which forwards your getbblog signature to Battlelog? If someone want to use pictures in his Battlelog signature, he had to register an account and create a signature here where a spam protection or restrictions (only x pictures, no videos, etc (don't know if anything like this exists right now)) would step in if an user would overdo it.
, it probably doesn't work or is pretty much useless. I just like to throw in my ideas, without being asked, without any clue and totally shameless. I apologize. Lol
Technically not possible.
The BBLog Signature in the battlelog forums is just a text that be appended on save.