Sort unlocks by remaining kills - Better Battlelog Forums #114333

I know in the past this has been mentioned that this was not possible or difficult. It surprised to me when I noticed this option is available now. The unlock order isn't available/resets the order once your click slow all at the bottom of the list. Is this a bug or a limitation?
Not really know what you mean.
You can enable the sort in the dropdown when you mouseover the "Unlocks" Header.
Than it's enabled and you can toggle ASC / DESC sort when you click on the "Unlocks" Header.
If you leave the page, the additional sort is reseted to default.
He means that when you select sorting by Kills ascending (down to up) and then scoll down and click SHOW ALL button, the sorting resets to descending (up to down)

But hey, you can then set it again and view the whole table, so it's not that big of a deal.
Oh yes, thats a battlelog behaviour and i really don't want to fix their bugs in this case :)