I, Roland aka BrainFooLong, the Admin and Developer of BBLog, want to say THANK YOU.
Thank you to the whole BBLog Team for your help, feedback, suggestions, ideas. You are great, you are awesome.
Thank you to the whole BBLog Team for your help, feedback, suggestions, ideas. Without a community like you BBLog would not be the same. You are that what a developer want from a community - Constructive, helpful and cool ideas. You not flame here, you're friendly, your smart, that show us that we do a good job.
BBLog exist since start of BF3 and we still here, and we still grow, and we still improve things.
There was hard times, hard decisions,hard work and many headaches.
4 Million Downloads/Updates - Epic for a project that started with 1000 Downloads in the first stable version V1.0.
I try to keep that project alive and running as long as possible - At the moment it looks like that we have many many years to go. Let us see what the future brings, BF5? BFBC3? StarsWars in Battlelog?
Oh, and another thing that i've forgotten.
Thanks to all donaters - Each donation help me a lot.
To be honest, all donations summed up does not reach the costs the i have.
But hey, it doesn't matter - Even if it's just 1% of my costs, i'm thankful for everything.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Are you sure that we had 1000 downloads by the V1 release? as far as I remember this was a big project before the V1 release.
Maybe it was a little more but at max. 1500.
It wasnt that big on the first public release. If your read the changelog you will see it doesn't had a lot features.
Global Moderator
José Ortega wrote:
Are you sure that we had 1000 downloads by the V1 release? as far as I remember this was a big project before the V1 release.
i'm almost sure. i still remember the first minutes of the plugin when i tested it :-D
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Damn... I dont know how i got here if we only had 1000 downloads, I'm in here since the V0.9.3 or so and I could swear that we had like 10000 downloads.
But that was some years ago.
Global Moderator
well, i remember brains first post in the german battlelog forum.
i was the first who answered and since them, i'm here xD
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Well, whatever, it seems that my memories are lying to me.