See other peoples comments on servers and radar adds. - Better Battlelog Forums #115201

I would like to see comments others have on a selected server and how many people have added it to their radar.
I know this is has some extra work to make it a good feature... like a +/- system for agreeing or disagreeing with a comment. This only has a usefulness if BBLOG users are active in flagging and commenting on servers.

The other half of this is highlighting servers that have been added to your favorites and counts for on radar vs. favorites. This is hard because not every body has radar but every one has a favorites list even if they don't use it.

More in depth would be to flag servers with players that have been marked on lots of peoples radar.
Again the usefulness of this will depend on the number of BBLOG users that take the time to add cheaters/offensive players to their radar, but it would be great if EA/DICE would incorporate a feature like this to generate community mute bans like in some of the Xbox live games.

It would be nice for radar additions be color coded for the reason they were added. Like unjustified kick or team/clan stack.

I am another player that wants know more about the server that I am trying to join before I wast my time.

Thanks and good luck if anyone takes this request on. I know that the extra external to EA/Dice server requirements could be difficult fund/support.
A pretty straight "No".

It was never designed to publish any of the radar entries.
If we do, it will turn instantly into a mass spam of subjective meanings.

Some kind of rating system is integrated in - But BBLog will never integrate such natively.
as brain wrote before: not possible.

cheshiremoe wrote:
I would like to see comments others have on a selected server and how many people have added it to their radar.

but here some other infos: the data is storaged local on YOUR computer, not on a server, so nobody can read it! and the Comments to the entries in your radar list is private, not public, and storaged local too.