So, as many of you guys know I had a poor computer than somehow managed to run BF3 and even BF4 at 15-30 FPS, you know, the athlon with the 5670...
I dropped any interest in both BF3 and BF4 some months ago because lets face it, i couldn't even play those games decently, but, after 6 months of hard work online i bought this beauty:
8 GB of RAM at 1333Mhz
Other crappy stuff i already had...
And I haven't tried Battlefield yet so I dont even know how it will run even with DirectX, does anyone in here have tried AMD's API to give me some info about what to expect in terms of performance? is BF4 enjoyable? is it crap?...
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Theme Developer
Theme Developer
I'd say you're gonna average 60fps no problem on full HD medium-high on mantle. That CPU is very good and going mantle with 270X has to be great.
You can push that CPU to 4,5GHz no problem with a midrange $30 cooler.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Well, yeah, I guess, the MB is really crappy since its an entry level one, I dont think I should OC in that thing.
Anyway, what about the game? is it shit? the last thing I remember was the rage this game caused because of the bad netcode COD style, is it fixed now?
Theme Developer
José Ortega wrote:
Well, yeah, I guess, the MB is really crappy since its an entry level one, I dont think I should OC in that thing.
Anyway, what about the game? is it shit? the last thing I remember was the rage this game caused because of the bad netcode COD style, is it fixed now?
The netcode is abyssmal, so unless they fix it or you can get the game for really cheap, I'd say hold off :)
Other than that it ain't that bad.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
You had one job EA, you had one job...
José Ortega wrote:
You had one job EA, you had one job...
Well, thay have more than one job, but whatever... :P
Anyways you should reach 60+ FPS at 1080p on High with no problem with Mantle, hell probably even on Ultra but 60FPS constant I'd say it'll be hard.
I haven't tested Mantle myself as they're still only available on the Beta Drivers, many people had a boost, very few didn't.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Well, fuck me, i just bought it on Ebay for 23$, I'm waiting for the seller to send me the key, I never had money to buy games as freely as I have now (BBLog has been a big push for me to find jobs online in the past few months), and if I save it forever I wont enjoy it, right? ;).