Suggestion - Removing BBLog from all social sites - Better Battlelog Forums #122717

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why i suggest this?

After 2 years in the social networks i came to the conclusion that they are useless for us.

We don't get more attention because we are there, we don't get more ideas because we are there.
We only have more work because we are there.

So anybody have anything against it or does it just not matter?

I talk about Twitter, Facebook, G+, own Subreddit.

My idea is to focus all feedback in one place, here on getbblog.

PS: I'm obiously no friend of all social sites.

Feedback summary of this thread

* Some are for keeping just twitter - For feedback - This contactform was currently used very rare - About 10 serious questions or conversations - Pretty much useless
* Some are for keeping some sites for promotion - As listed previously we have a total direct access from social sites of max. 2% from all site visitors - Pretty much useless
* Some are for removing all because they don't care about social networks
I totally agree with you, but when you do that, maybe you should enhance the forum on getbblog even more for other stuff. Make getbblog an even better community. :-)

I agree... imho Facebook is dead for brands pages, in addition i think your audience don't use facebook
G+ could be interesting in terms of SEO...what you don't need.
Subreddit is unknown in France.
If you had to keep only one, it will be twitter, interesting for a direct contact with your target (if you already are a twitter user)
And in addition to Amkhatar you could setup a 'Webcare' team for questions asked on Twitter. :-)
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I be also not for twitter. Communication should only happen here.
I kind of agree with Amkhatar that we should keep one social network (probably Twitter, maybe FB) because people often do not want to sign up on other pages. I agree with the main point of the post.
Well, to the point of registering.

I see it in a different way - People that really want to say something will register - Its easy with one click register via Twitter, FB, Battlelog - People that just want to flame, doesn't register for just that.

This is how it currently work here on getbblog - We are mostly free of spam or flamers. We get only relevant feedback and suggestions.

We don't get a really helpfull feedback on any of the social sites, including twitter.
Since our twitter account exist, i can count the helpfull ideas or bug reports on one hand.
Same on facebook.

That's just my point of view, if most here say "hey, just keep twitter" than ok, we keep it.

Just want to make clear to positives and negatives of the social stuff.
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Just a thought, but maybe the social networks arent just for feedback.
I know still quite some battlefield players who never heared of bblog at all or maybe heared of it but dont know what it does.

Getting more users, means more feedback. Maybe the social networks are good to show what the product is?


So i was curious and asked a random friend:

You 11:01
just a question, do you know better battlelog?
Friend 11:10
better battlelog ?
You 11:10
Friend 11:10
don't understand
in wich way better battlelog
You 11:11
its and addon for battlelog
Friend 11:11
oh. I use
You 11:12
bf4stats is intergrated in bblog
Friend 11:13
yes, but some better stat to gain som fast track points, like do this and you get a service star
I try getbblog :-)

Sure, social networks are not just for feedback - Many use it for product advertisment - Big companies, etc...
But to show what the product really is should at first happen on the product homepage itself, or not?

The best place for us to show that we exist is on the battlelog forums, were we already have sticky threads in english and german.

Also my goal is not really to getting more attention to BBLog - We already have a solid userbase - My goal is to reduce the work for all team members because we all do it in our free time.
Then you should ditch all socials. Since then its just for current users and they know their way to here already its seems.
No reason to do it. But Social sites are just to promote this tool.
Twitter,Facebook and G+ ( better than others because Google rules the www)... twitter and facebook is like Orkut.
But if G+ down still is a Google tools
Better BattleLog support is here (
ArnoldLayne wrote:
No reason to do it. But Social sites are just to promote this tool.
Twitter,Facebook and G+ ( better than others because Google rules the www)... twitter and facebook is like Orkut.
But if G+ down still is a Google tools
Better BattleLog support is here (

I'm not sure what this mean. Are you for social sites or against it?
Do they require too much work? If not, why remove BBlog from there? IMHO they're good places to promote the addon even more. If the time spent on the social sites is too much and it's not worth it then yeah remove bblog, otherwise I wouldn't remove it.
Just use social sites to promote. news can be posted on social sites too.

Personally i don´t care cause i don´t like social sites.
Dendari wrote:
Do they require too much work? If not, why remove BBlog from there? IMHO they're good places to promote the addon even more. If the time spent on the social sites is too much and it's not worth it then yeah remove bblog, otherwise I wouldn't remove it.

To be honest, it doesn't require that much work.
But it's splits up the "contact" points to BBLog.
Also it forces me to have an account on every of this sites :)

The promotion power of our social site presentations is very limited.

Just some facts
0,9% of all visitors coming from facebook - And i guess that are all that already know BBLog :)
0,2% from twitter
nearly nobody from G+ or our subreddit.

Why remove BBLog from this sites?

To have just one contact point, the official site.
To reduce the obviously useless work on social sites.
So - To sum the feedback up

* Some are for keeping just twitter - For feedback - This contactform was currently used very rare - Pretty much useless
* Some are for keeping some sites for promotion - As listed previously we have a total direct access from social sites of max. 2% from all site visitors - Pretty much useless
* Some are for removing all because they don't care about social networks
Well with those low numbers of people coming from the social sites I agree to remove them too.
The point is :
"How to increase users and views from Social sites?"
ArnoldLayne wrote:
The point is :
"How to increase users and views from Social sites?"

In my opinion, social sites doesn't help you in this point when you have your official profiles there.
Social sites will help when a product becomes hyped, or more "viral" when we say it in the social slang.
And make a product hyped doesn't work when you plan it, it must happen.

I don't want hype BBLog, i'm happy with it, as it is :)
I don't mind to stop posting/interacting with social networks, but i don't think we need to remove from them.
Just put in inactive/private (have this option there?) and point in about/description that we just see our foruns.

I think that people Like pages/Follow Users but don't interact too much, but when they want to know anything about it, they search in social networks first.