Brand New BBLog Signature Banners - Better Battlelog Forums #126294

Post edited 1 x times, last by
Today we've just created some BBLog Signature Banners for your Battlefield Soldier.
You can find the link in your personal account settings, beside the signature editor, here in the board.
You can also use this signature everywhere else.
Have fun with it.

Post edited 4 x times, last by
BrainFooLong wrote:
Today we've just created some BBLog Signature Banners for your Battlefield Soldier.
You can find the link in your personal account settings, beside the signature editor, here in the board.
You can also use this signature everywhere else.
Have fun with it.


Nice! They look really good.

(Even though the working URL for BF3 seems to be
and not
for me.)
Cool. :D

Would be possible to increase the height to 80 or even 100 pixels?
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Dendari wrote:
Cool. :D

Would be possible to increase the height to 80 or even 100 pixels?

No, it is as it is :)
Bigger pictures in signatures are annoying.