BBLog Plugin Gallery - Soft Launch - Better Battlelog Forums #126647

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Hi all!

Today we've launched a new feature on BBLog.
The plugin gallery.

Everybody can add new BBLog plugins to the gallery.
The whole gallery will also be integrated into BBLog in the future.

But as of now, you can fill the gallery with your generated plugins.
Together we can make a cool new feature for the community.

In the future the user can select the gallery directly in battlelog, no need of code anymore, no need of JS urls anymore. Simple and easy.

Also for the plugin creators, we can track the plugin usage for the last 24h and you have a idea of how much your plugin have been active used. As i said, that's future music, but it comes.

Let's go, have fun with it.

A call to all plugin creator's that already have a plugin topic here on

Add your plugin to the gallery as well, in the future i'll remove the "Plugin" features from the topics, this means the "One Click Install" button, all focus for ready to use plugins should from now be in the gallery. The forums is now just for feedback and discussions.

If you found bugs in the Plugin Gallery or the Upload process? Post it here!
Awesome job again!
I created / edited / uploaded 2 plug-ins with no problems. Everything is working!
Keep up the good work!

The new plug-in links have a "m" get parameter. What does it stand for? Is this necessary?
Looks awesome! I added all my plugins.
The m= parameter is a "nocache" parameter.
This will be automatically removed after some days of no change on the JS file.
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"Last update" works?
I just updated one of my plugins and it still says "Last Update: 08.09.2014 20:46"...

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Last update depends on the last JS file update because that's the only relevant time for a user.