They need a how to section - Better Battlelog Forums #132664

I'm old and bad with computers. I would like a fancy logo for my BF4 on xboxone account so when I shoot someone I get a fancy emblem for them to see. But I dont see how to do that.
are you talking about cheat programs? these are not allowed and you could be banned for using them.

by the way: you're here on the Better-Battlelog Forum, i think, the official Battlelog-Forum on could help you much more. Thats the right place for ingame features and support. Better Battlelog is ONLY modifying the website
with more stats and forum features.

We do NOT modify or creating the Game. Hope i could help you and wish you a happy new year.
I guess he means just cool emblem :)
ahhhhhhh :-D so he want a tutorial for creating emblems^^
well that's not so easy because i think there are a lot of possibilities and options.
Well if you can't make your can go to or similar (Google it).....

When you go there you'll feel just like home....Just select the emblem and they'll tell you how to get it on your profile....literally the easiest method I'd say..
zeharti wrote:
Well if you can't make your can go to or similar (Google it).....

When you go there you'll feel just like home....Just select the emblem and they'll tell you how to get it on your profile....literally the easiest method I'd say..

Ehem... Just install BBLog, and use the built in emblem gallery, maybe? :)
oops ....didn't knew this feature even it now