Clan Tags in Battlelog scoreboard - Better Battlelog Forums #136025

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I think it would be useful to be able to see player's clan tags in the Battlelog server scoreboard. Currently it just shows the player name. To me this is helpful because you can tell how many clan members are on the server before joining. You can avoid joining a clan stacked server this way. There's many other uses.
I'll consider this.
Thank you for considering it Brainfoolong. I hope it makes it into a future release.

I thought of some other uses:
- if a clan was looking for a friendly scrimmage against another clan, they could check servers to see if any rival clan members were in game
- for players looking for a clan, they may want to join a server that has a strong clan member presence
- a player may want to join a server with an active admin. They could compare the server name to the clan tags they see in the scoreboard to see if any of that server's admins/members are in game.
This feature will be available with the next release.
BrainFooLong wrote:
This feature will be available with the next release.

When is next release? I can't see the feature.
CoIdlce wrote:
BrainFooLong wrote:
This feature will be available with the next release.

When is next release? I can't see the feature.

I don't know when the next release will be available.
Currently there are not enough updates for a new release.

Some weeks or so... Really don't know.