vehicle service stars - Better Battlelog Forums #1478

In game bf3 has progress bars for each vehicle after you've gotten the first service star, it would be nice to see how close I am to getting my next service stars for vehicles while on battlelog.
Ok. I see what i can do.
This information isn't available currently.
i want to re-open this topic.
i think/hope that with bf3stats it could be possible to integrate the Vehicle Service Stars by (like the Top X% by each vehicle and weapon).

i have made a picture how it could look:

The Text ("Fahrz.") next to "Service Stars" have to be replaced with "Classes" and "Vehicles", so you can change between Class-Service Stars and Vehicle Service Stars.

if we go with the mouse over the service stars we will get the black bubble like now with information how many % of the next Service Star we allready have.


an other point:
Could you reorganize the the buttons on the vehicle page?
currently they are organized like this:

AHA - AJA - AHS - AJF - MBT - AAV - IFV - VT - WSAA - WSAT - All

It would be better to organize / show them by Classes as by the Service Star. That means:
AHS - IFV - AHA - MTB - AAV - AJF - VT - WSAA - WSAT - All

in detail i mean, there are no differents between "Air Jet Attack" and "Air Jet Fighter".


Other point: you're writing "VT" and in the descripttion (bubble) its written "Transport Vehicle". shouldn't it be "TV" or "Vehicle Transport"?

Last Point: what does "WSAA" and "WSAT" mean? "W??? Stationary Anti Air" and "W??? Stationary Anti Transport"? Shoulnd't be written "WSAV" for "W??? Stationary Anti Vehicle"?


only a few points. the last section (with WSA...) is not so important... i have just thought a little bit about these words.
The top post says about EACH vehicle, you talk about the vehicle groups (which is possible).

1. VH Stars - Possible, but need to check the Battlelog things. A request to bf3stats at this page doubles the request to bf3stats at this page - And this could have huge load impacts to bf3stats servers.
2. No - A regroup isn't necessary - It's better just for you and it is no real improvement.
3. All names of groups are taken directly by battlelogs internal names. So i do not change the names because this are the official descriptions.
brain wrote:
2. No - A regroup isn't necessary - It's better just for you and it is no real improvement.

its not have to do with my personal point of view. its have to do with the order on the right side (Vehicle gadgets).

They are organized in the way like i show, AHS - IFV - AHA - MTB - AAV - AJF. i've order the icons on my picture in the same order and think in the navigation should it be the same. only to have the same order like by the gadgets.

3. All names of groups are taken directly by battlelogs internal names. So i do not change the names because this are the official descriptions.

ohh there are internal names for these groups?! oO dont know that. howsoever, the different between AJA and AJF doesn't exist.
Vehicle Service Stars implemented in next version (on vehicle list page).
Other stuff need more checks.