Time left - Better Battlelog Forums #1480

Not sure if this is something you can figure out from the web; but man it would be great to know how much time is left on a server... or the lowest ticket count... or the current score. I waste more time joining a server that is almost finished or loosing by 300+ tickets. Having a snapshot of what is going on before I join would be nice.
I think any of that information is nowhere available because its simple not saved to a server.
But i take some time to check it.
Cool thanks, ill do some digging in the DOM today and see if its there somewhere...
roland, i've been digging around in the DOM, I haven't found anything easily accessible yet but I have some clues. Do you have a was I can email or contact you through something other than this request form?
Yes, just look at "Contact" Page, there is my email.
Marked as, currently, impossible. Data is not available anywhere at the moment.