DogTag - Better Battlelog Forums #1566

Napadla ma taka vec neviem ?i by to bolo možne že na listu dogtagu tak ako napríklad u medajli by sme vydeli ako vlastne vyzerajú nie že by to bola ?istá známka. Po otvorení by sa klasicky zvýraznila.

Write in english.
I don't understand you.
He would like to make dogtags visible on mouseover even if you dont have them in your collection.
I would like to have that feature too. I dont like the current solution that only the last taken dog tag shows up on mouse over. A full list would be more then awesome! Better Battlelog would get one step closer to godlike.
Hi, ich hab mal alles überflogen hab aber nichts ähnliches gefunden. Ich fänds cool wenn man die Freunde im ComCnter irgendwie in Gruppen einteilen könnte, die man denn auch ein und aus blenden kann. Denn meine Freundesliste ist langsam etwas überfüllt und ich komm da langsam durcheinander =)
Danke fürs lesen ^^
Sorry voll verklickt xD
Hi, this was already requested in the past and set to rejected because of too much work for a very small feature. Greetz roland
a feature that should be considered is the way the player takes the count of dog tags taken from the enemy, if he was detailed as badcompany2 would be better.