Rules for Themes - Better Battlelog Forums #1703

Post edited 5 x times, last by
I noticed that some theme developer do some stuff that not approved by BBLog and for that reason i write here some requirements.

Version 1.2
- Last edited 07.02.2013

Better Battlelog Addon

1. Don't hide out ANY areas in Battlelog that needed for legal/advertising/information purposes. Especially shop banners or footer links to Legal/Law/Impressum Pages. You can sure modify the style of it - But it must be visible to the user. This rule contains in principle all things in battlelog.
2. Don't use external images - Read the
to use inline images with data uri.
Except of this rule are all images from the battlelog servers.
3. Don't use !important too much. It slow down performance of css engine. Use more specific css selectors instead.

All themes that violate this rules been disabled or never get listed in BBLog.

Greetz Roland
Just out of curiosity, why external images aren't allowed?
(my theme doesn't use any extra images and I'm not planning on adding any)
seniledawdler wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why external images aren't allowed?

Because on this way its possible to create user lists, user profiles, save IP Adresses, save information about operating system, browser and else.

We don't want do support the possibility to create full user profiles like google does.
ORFK wrote:
seniledawdler wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why external images aren't allowed?

Because on this way its possible to create user lists, user profiles, save IP Adresses, save information about operating system, browser and else.

We don't want do support the possibility to create full user profiles like google does.

It also lowers the loading speed of the site.
I'm sorry, but creating a theme that restyles the entire battlelog into different colors without using !important is just imposible. Try it yourself.
juress wrote:
I'm sorry, but creating a theme that restyles the entire battlelog into different colors without using !important is just imposible. Try it yourself.

The rules didn't say that you not allowed to use !important - It only says that you should minimize the use of it as much as possible.
brain wrote:
juress wrote:
I'm sorry, but creating a theme that restyles the entire battlelog into different colors without using !important is just imposible. Try it yourself.

The rules didn't say that you not allowed to use !important - It only says that you should minimize the use of it as much as possible.

Rule 1: not violating this at all, so check
Rule 2: will do
Rule 3: sorry, but that would be an absolute nightmare to fix - essentialy a rewrite of the entire theme and even after that it probably wouldnt work properly
rule 1 and 2 is absolutly no problem.
but i need !important that the theme work in firefox like in chrome.

did i remove the !important, firefox ignore the stylecode :(

one question to rule 1:
to hide the tipp container between body and footer also forbidden
like polls?
Gh0zTFaC3-NS wrote:
to hide the tipp container between body and footer also forbidden
like polls?

It is forbidden to hide anything. The rules are clear. Your theme block the shop banner and all footer links too, as well as some other areas.
juress wrote:
Rule 3: sorry, but that would be an absolute nightmare to fix - essentialy a rewrite of the entire theme and even after that it probably wouldnt work properly

I don't want to repeat myself. As i said, it's not forbidden - But maybe you can improve something.
brain wrote:

It is forbidden to hide anything. The rules are clear. Your theme block the shop banner and all footer links too, as well as some other areas.

now i only hide the tipp container and share buttons in footer.
the tipp center is nothing what help ea/dice/gamer or anyone
and the social buttons only a link too social network-groups.
Gh0zTFaC3-NS wrote:
now i only hide the tipp container and share buttons in footer

It's forbidden to hide ANYTHING. No matter what it is.
Rule 3: Don't hide out areas in Battlelog....

Social Links and Tipps are also for information.
Updated rules to version 1.1
it would be great if you could write a short description of the changes if you are writing that you've updated something.
This is not required because all old version are useless and outdated.
I think you can read those 3 small rules when a update is posted and compare it against your theme.