Weapon missing in list - Better Battlelog Forums #1846

I Noticed that when i check the Progression on my weapons, there is one weapon that is not showing in the "Switch to Another Weapon" tab and its the L96 Sniper rifle.
Not a major bug or anything, but thought it should be noted.
Picture in attachment

Im using BBLog 2.1.0
and Firefox 13.0.1
maybe you should take out weapons from the list with have double modes...
f.e. the M4A1 and the M4 and the M16A3 and the M16A4
the M4A1 and the M4 and the M16A3 and the M16A4 are different weapons though, even if they use the same attachments, they are different in their own way (however, i think this is kinda stupid aswell...)
Fixed in next version.
Evanidus wrote:
the M4A1 and the M4 and the M16A3 and the M16A4 are different weapons though, even if they use the same attachments, they are different in their own way

different weapons, but same weapon side, so its not important to list both because in battlelog you have only one too.
I don't remove weapons. They available in battlelog, have their own site in battlelog, also will be listed in bblog lists. They may have same attributes but the description to a weapon is different.