As I find these, I'll list them here. BBlog 2.2.0 - Firefox.
Let me also point out that I couldn't see any obvious difference in any accuracy chart between first shot hipfire prone and first shot hipfire standing. The difference is small so I didn't mention it or check on a per-weapon basis beyond the first few, but it may be inoperative as well.
SCAR-L: All attachments appear functional.
AN-94: Attachments work, but adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.2.
AEK-971: Attachments work, but adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.5.
AK-74M: Attachments work, but adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.2.
AUG A3: Attachments work, but adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.4 to 0.3.
F2000: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
M16A4: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
KH2002: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
G3A3: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
M416: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
FAMAS: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
L85A2: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
A-91: All attachments appear functional.
AKS-74u: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.2.
ACW-R: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.1.
G53: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.35 to 0.2.
SG553: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.5 to 0.3.
MTAR-21: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.5 to 0.25.
QBZ-95B: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
G36C: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
M4A1: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
SCAR-H: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
PKP Peceheng: All attachments appear functional.
M240B: All attachments appear functional.
RPK-74M: All attachments appear functional.
M60E: All attachments appear functional.
Type 88: All attachments appear functional.
LSAT: All attachments appear functional. Missing bipod attachment.
L86A2: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.25 to 0.15. Missing bipod attachment.
M27 IAR: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.1.
M249: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
QBB-95: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever. Missing bipod attachment.
MG36: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever. Missing bipod attachment.
M98B: All attachments appear functional.
M39 EMR: All attachments appear functional.
JNG-90: All attachments appear functional.
MK11 Mod 0: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to -0.1.
M417: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.25 to -0.05.
SKS: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
SV98: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
SVD: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
QBU-88: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
M40A5: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
L96: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
UMP-45: All attachments appear functional.
M5K: All attachments appear functional.
AS VAL: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.3 to 0.2.
PDW-R: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.4 to 0.2.
PP-2000: Adding any attachment inexplicably changes the right horizontal deviation from 0.2 to 0.3.
PP-19: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
P90: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
MP7: Totally broken. Attachments change nothing whatsoever.
Saiga 12K: Laser sight changes nothing.
USAS-12: Laser sight changes nothing.
M1014: Laser sight changes nothing.
870 MCS: Laser sight changes nothing.
DAO-12: Laser sight changes nothing.
MK3A1: Laser sight changes nothing.
SPAS-12: Laser sight changes nothing.
M412 REX: Functional (no attachments).
.44 Magnum: Functional (no attachments).
93R: Functional (no attachments).
MP443 / MP443 Supp / MP443 Tact: No accuracy / attachment chart option for suppressed version.
M9 / M9 Supp / M9 Tact: No accuracy / attachment chart option for suppressed version.
M1911 / M1911 Supp / M1911 Tact: No accuracy / attachment chart option for suppressed version.
G18 / G18 Supp: No accuracy / attachment chart option for suppressed version.
G17C / G17C Supp: No accuracy chart option for laser. Hipfire appears to be same as M9 / MP443, so laser may not be factored in to accuracy chart at all. No accuracy chart option for suppressed version.