[REQ] New Battlefield links? - Better Battlelog Forums #1895

I'd really like it if someone could make plugin that can add another BF games on battlelog as redirect links. For example.

Clicking on BC2 would redirect me to

BF2 would use bf2s, 2142 2142-stats and so on.
Of course it would be ideal if you could set the links yourself, because only bc2 isn't specific.
Nice idea, i hope to see this being developed soon.
I have a feeling that DICE is actually working on this. It looks* like they've been working on getting BF:BC2 and BF1943 stuff integrated into Battlelog ever since Battlelog launched.

But until they get it done (if they're even doing it) it would be a nice plugin idea.

*There's been a lot of BF:BC2 stuff and some BF1943 related stuff found within the CSS files of Battlelog.
That is rather interesting. I hope they are really working on it.
Wow you are right. I tried to change the url and found this
I wish to know something about programming to do this kind of stuff...
Blackbird wrote:
That is rather interesting. I hope they are really working on it.
Wow you are right. I tried to change the url and found this

Yeah, that happens if you change /bf3/ to anything else but /all/.
Closing this thread now, no need to keep it open when the request is fulfilled.