Save loadouts like filtersets feature - Better Battlelog Forums #1928

Now that we can edit loadouts straight from battlelog it would be nice if we could save these loadouts much like the BBlog filtersets feature... i.e. saving different loadouts for different maps so its easy to change them on the fly...

It would also be nice if these could change automagicly for whatever map you are playing, however this part may be impossible idk.
Apparently this feature is already inside Battlelog but it's not public. After all the whole loadout feature has been there for months.
A set of predefined loadouts is a good idea.
Automatically loading also, if it is possible by battlelog ( i don't think so ).
Needs to be considered, can take some time. I am very busy at the moment.

Well, nice to know but why did you come out with this yet (you known it months before)?
Does the save loadout work or is it just a fragment in the page the be there but not really useable? I don't have time to check this.
1. loadouts were added to the public in the last battlelog page - today?
2. how to open the "save loadout"? I dont see any button for it...
The Loadout feature has been there for months (I think DICE was working on it at the same time of the Live Scoreboard). Someone told me about it when I was working on the

About the Save Loadout feature, I'm still trying to figure it out. It's not public yet.
How can you say "it was there for months"? :D
They worked on it for months, but noone could use it, because it wasn't public or am I wrong?
By that definition, it's not a few months old feature, but newly released feature.
its exactly few hours old. thats all.
but where can i find this "Save" button and else?! oO
The code has been in Battlelog for months, their plan was to release it with the CQ/Premium patch but they added it only on consoles and not on Battlelog.

The Save Loadout feature isn't public yet.
change nothing on
ORFK wrote:
its exactly few hours old. thats all.

release date is relevant,
I hope we can keep our cammos at least whenever we join a server...
we should, but it doesn't work.
It's a game client problem, it does save the camo but BF3 doesn't load it. A workaround is to go to the Customize screen before spawning the first time.
ORFK wrote:
we should, but it doesn't work.

You have to be kidding me... DICE is doing everything wrong.
wasakakero wrote:
DICE is doing everything wrong.

thats true.
ORFK wrote:
we should, but it doesn't work.

From the limited testing I did with the loadout feature everything seemed to work except for squad perks

Camo would work but only if you go into the loadout screen in game before your first spawn...
also some camos are missing (Spectact, Dr. Pepper, and almost all premium camos)
brain wrote:
A set of predefined loadouts is a good idea.

I like the idea. Maybe create for weapon or save "per map"?!
championboxes wrote:
Camo would work but only if you go into the loadout screen in game before your first spawn...
also some camos are missing (Spectact, Dr. Pepper, and almost all premium camos)

here was everything said what should be said =)
I thinked about this idea and my result is - Too much work for a feature that maybe will be integrated/fixed from DICE itself in the future.