Award hover outline on Firefox - Better Battlelog Forums #1972

Yes I know it's not bblog's fault, it's FF thing that it renders outline outside the box-shadow instead right after border.

Anyhow, we can circumvent this by using double shadow instead of outline and shadow.

Old way:
outline:1px solid #00AEFF !important;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #111111;

How we can make it better:
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #00AEFF, 0px 0px 10px #111111;

(2px seemed better at least to me in my tests instead of 1px)
Good idea, will add this in the next release.
That's a really neat fix.
But why not make it "0 0 0 1px" (added a 0 and made it 1px) instead? That way it will look like a normal 1 pixel border/outline.
background-color: #CCEEFF;
z-index: 9;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #00AEFF, 0px 0px 10px #111111;

It's something I happen to run across while working on a theme just now.
In my tests the 1px looked weaker than the current outline effect. I don't know how they calculate the shadow drop off with 1px but to me the 2px looked more like the outline there is at the moment.

I don't object 1px, it's no big deal. :)

Nooble me. There was one 0 more. Forgot you can set the spread thing to 0. Yes that 0 0 0 1px is better way to go.
seniledawdler wrote:
Nooble me. There was one 0 more. Forgot you can set the spread thing to 0. Yes that 0 0 0 1px is better way to go.
A little zero is easy to miss, I added a smaller explanation so that no one else misses it as well.