[BF3] Bandar Desert Theme - Better Battlelog Forums #2032

Post edited 3 x times, last by
Time to introduce my new theme based on desert colours and transparency.

Glad to have your feedback, your suggestions, your support and if you encountered problems !



VERSION 1.6 [09/09/13]
- New header redesigned
- Few adjustments
- Skipped (no time to finalize big changes)
VERSION 1.4 [06/10/12]
- ready for BBLog 3.0
- Battlereport redesigned
- Server List redesigned
- Leaderboards redesigned
VERSION 1.3 [06/10/12]
- profile pages fixed
VERSION 1.2 [26/09/12]
- background fixed
- Favorites threads background fixed
VERSION 1.1 [17/09/12]
- x2 XP message
- Chat tabs updated.
- Minimized COM CENTER updated
- Text input areas updated (forum, search...)
- assignments text bug
- assignments active color added
VERSION 1.0 [14/09/12]
- Launch ;)
You should get your hands on a PC account and style the server browser as well:

The campaign page also (not required):

Some other stuff that you might want to do is:
1. Fix the pie chart on the stats page.
2. Fix the BF3Stats.com iframe on the stats page.
3. Make the chat tabs look like the COM CENTER tab.
4. Style the minimized COM CENTER.

Some smaller details that's not needed but give it that little extra:
1. Style text input areas to fit the theme.
2. Style the pop-up windows. (Example: BBLog's theme switcher)
Thanks for your comments, i integrated some changes and others will come later.

xXJumpyXx wrote:
You should get your hands on a PC account

Yes, i'm aware but is there a way to create a pc soldier without buying the game ?

xXJumpyXx wrote:

2. Fix the BF3Stats.com iframe on the stats page.

How to change the background of the bf3stat iframe in my css ? if someone can help me ?
brain wrote:
All you need to know is that the and tag in frame will have a class "bf3stats" - With that you able to specialize all things just for the frame.

For example:

.bf3stats .anyelement{xxx}

Following steps required to develop for the frame:
1. In the bf3stats iframe is only the theme CSS file included - That means only the choosen file from the theme switch is included - NOT the css from the CSS Editor.
2. You must style the bf3stats frame for your own - With browser tools or not - Than add the css code to the theme file - And use the online CSS Update tool for your theme.
3. To differ bf3stats frame from the battlelog page you can use the body.bf3stats selector - This class only exists in the bf3stats frame.
Amkhatar wrote:
Yes, i'm aware but is there a way to create a pc soldier without buying the game ?

Not to my knowledge. I was struggling with this also. You just don't see some buttons (like on front page where 2xp notification is, there's some buttons for pc peeps I think?) if you're not on pc account and some buttons seem completely useless as you can't use them (for example the co-op mission launch)... just have to deal with it. :(
The forum page buttons could use some tweaks.
seniledawdler wrote:
Amkhatar wrote:
Yes, i'm aware but is there a way to create a pc soldier without buying the game ?

Not to my knowledge. I was struggling with this also. You just don't see some buttons (like on front page where 2xp notification is, there's some buttons for pc peeps I think?) if you're not on pc account and some buttons seem completely useless as you can't use them (for example the co-op mission launch)... just have to deal with it. :(

Problem solved, i'm a pc player now :)
updated to 1.2
updated to 1.3
It's cool
SBD3BCN wrote:
It's cool

yeah! thats a REALLY COOL THEME!
Damt! thats the first thime that its something nice wich doesnt have this typical dark.
i normally like the standard BF3 layout, but this is awesome!

really nice. maybe you've inspirited me to create themes for each maps =D
ORFK wrote:
yeah! thats a REALLY COOL THEME!
Damt! thats the first thime that its something nice wich doesnt have this typical dark.
i normally like the standard BF3 layout, but this is awesome!
really nice. maybe you've inspirited me to create themes for each maps =D

Thank you for your compliments and encouragement...
Looking forward your new theme ;)
so, now i have tested it on all pages and there are some bugs.
i will thell you them, so you can correct them if you want, if you are a PS3 player (like i read in the secound post) i could help you to correct them.

- Server browser doesnt have the transparent, light brown color. same for premium page with videos and else, maybe you can't edit there the style, i dont know.


- Notification Color should be changed.

-Chat Box have Icons/Buttons wich should be modified, it doesn't looks good.

- Submenu uf navigation (i mean the "Matches" with lightbrown background) should have the normal brown background like the word "Multiplayer" and a white text color.

- boxes on mainpage should have a 1pixel border in brown, so it would looks better. same for "news" and "top stories" pages.

- the font type, but in first line the color, from "Armored Shield" or "…attle awesome!" and from "(…) and (…) are now fr..." should be the same like by "Ich möchte alle COOP Mission…"

hope you can do something here, would be happy about these fixes. And as i said, if you need help, just ask =D
I think we have some bugs with the "BiggerActivityStream" Plugin and this Theme...
can somebody test it? (Scrolling and else)

Thanks for your comments...
Indeed some elements have been forgot and some others (like tables of serverlist, battle reports...) need to be redesign

The BiggerActivitySteam" Plugin is working fine on chrome ?!
using chrome too, but if you scroll, is it really scrolling? by me it stops in in the first quarter.
ORFK wrote:
using chrome too, but if you scroll, is it really scrolling? by me it stops in in the first quarter.

The plugin (or the stream) has a bug... For me too, it stops sometimes in the first quarter (on chrome or on FF without a theme)
if you have someone on your flame radar, background from his post should bi red (or something else), not lightbrown...
I understand but i'm thinking different

Flamer post = not interesting = i don't want to see it = less visible than other posts

for me a red color = important/urgent/alert
good reason, i thought you should see it if a post is hidden, so you don't get confused if you can't really follow the discussion ;-)
On the MoH:W battlelog, the background is still the default MoH background, but the buttons etc have changes colour to the theme. I don't use MoH much though so it's not a big deal to me.
Hi jack

Thanks for your comment
The bandar desert theme is a Battlefield exclusive theme...no support (today) for MOHW
As it is a BF only theme, as it should be, is it possible to make it only change the theme on BF. The main point of my post was to say that it was changing the colour of the update icon, battle feed etc in both sections, which looks a bit strange on MoH:W's battlelog. I understand that this may require a change to the bblog source code, depending on how it's made. It just looks a bit strange, thats all.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
This is a really nice theme! I was wondering if you could make the background changeable? With other themes I can use BBlog to set a background but this one overrides it.
please check the icons to profile, weapon, vehicles, awards etc. on the top of the page.
if you're not on the page than its right, but if you go to one of these pages the icon changes to a wrong one.

f.e. pistol changes to a pencil, awards to a settings icon or activity to a "medical" icon...
Yes i know...i'm working on a "big" update but hard to finalize...currently i'm busy
A little update of a my theme for the new Battlelog.
I would like to rebuild a clean css file but still no time for that... maybe for the BF4 battlelog ?!
Not working for me :(