The idea behind the Steam Theme, is to make Battlelog look and feel more like Steam does.
Steam Theme 1 is for BF3 & MOHW, and has been released for some time now.
Steam Theme 2 on the other hand, is for BF4, and is currently in a testing phase.
~~~~ Version 1.2.2 ~~~~
* Fixed the tabs in the Com Center.
* Fixed the background to allow custom backgrounds. (Thanks to BrainFooLong)
* Fixed the forum thread list a little bit, titles were unaligned.
+ Styled the Battlefield 4 Battle Feed related stuff.
At first sight it looks very nice! I'll edit this post when I find some little bugs.
1* The 'minimize filter settings' button is barely visible. I see every other clickable little button like a cross or something are barely visible. (see:
2* The 'Favourite threads' page is still the basic theme. (see:
3* BF3stats element is still the basic theme.
4* At the Battlereport page some elements are still the basic theme, for example when you sort something, that element will change to the basic theme. Also highlighted players in the Battlereports have weird colors. (see:
10* The right Map rotation arrow is pointing the wrong way. Only happens in your theme, other themes haven't got this problem. (see:
Helping Hand
Nice little list, I'll work my way through it. Most of the stuff are things that I don't use very often, so it might explain why they aren't styled at all or are very bugged.
About "3* BF3stats element is still the basic theme.", It'll be in the final theme, according to brain only themes hosted on the BBLog servers (a/k/a official themes) will show changes made to the BF3Stats iframe.
like it very much!
I like it also very much. Looking forward for final.
Minilog and this now my favos.
Global Moderator
Found some new ' bugs'. The standard yellow buttons are in this theme grey with white text in it. The BBLog buttons are still yellow, for example at the forum the 'to favourites' and all the BBCode buttons as well.
Helping Hand
Not really a bug, it's more like me being lazy :S But thanks for reporting it nonetheless.
I'll fix it, just haven't got around to it yet. I'm working on fixing stuff from your list at the moment, though :)
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Fixed most of the stuff Inception pointed out. Only 1* and 3* aren't done yet.
Here's what's done in the update:
~~~~ Version dev_01 ~~~~
* Fixed the Premium page.
* Fixed the My favored Threads page.
* Fixed the import friends page.
* Fixed the server backgrounds/borders on the profile -> servers page.
* Fixed the Matches page.
* Fixed the Edit emblem button.
* Fixed the Edit Platoon Emblem page.
* Fixed the map rotation right button bug.
* Fixed the Leaderboard pages.
* Fixed the report button menu.
* Fixed colours on some selection buttons.
* Fixed the platoon Members page.
* Fixed the Battle Report page.
+ Added a border to the bottom of the server list.
EDIT: Oops, forgot the order selection buttons on battle reports :/ Will fix it in a little bit.
EDIT 2: Fixed it :)
~~~~ Version dev_02 ~~~~
* Fixed the order sorting buttons on the Battle Report page.
Global Moderator
you could make a general screenshot for an overview...
Can you fix this?
The color of the icon is only visible when you hover over it.
See my attachment
Helping Hand
ORFK wrote:
you could make a general screenshot for an overview...
I might do that, not now though. I need to fix it first :)
Prokill wrote:
Can you fix this?
The color of the icon is only visible when you hover over it.
See my attachment
Will do, I'm going to fix all those images, including close/minimize buttons and some more. Hopefully I'll have time today.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Made some fixes :)
~~~~ Version dev_03 ~~~~
* Fixed the sorting kit icons on the weapons page.
* Fixed the Live Scoreboard on the server page.
* Fixed some Com Center related icons.
* Fixed some server related icons.
* Fixed the bubble over the top bar to be black instead of grey.
* Fixed some server browser related stuff.
* Made a temporary fix for the close and minimize buttons.
* Also fixed some smaller stuff that's not worth mentioning.
Hi there,
could you make the name entries more visible? And something is wrong with the "Find Soldier" Button. If i choose "Multiplayer" and want to search a name, the search window dissapear immediatly after clicking on it.
And it would be nice if you could inverse the colours of the "speaking indicator" under the Player avatars. Grey = speaking, black = silence.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
ezek1el3000 wrote:
Hi there,
could you make the name entries more visible?
Fixed :)
ezek1el3000 wrote:
And something is wrong with the "Find Soldier" Button. If i choose "Multiplayer" and want to search a name, the search window dissapear immediatly after clicking on it.
I can't reproduce this. Do you mean if you're on the multiplayer page (server browser) and open the find soldier form it goes away?
EDIT: I'll fix the party speaking icon and the white background when someone's playing tomorrow, hopefully.
~~~~ Version dev_04 ~~~~
+ Styled the NOTICE bar at the top of the page.
* Fixed the close and minimize buttons to be more like in Steam.
* Fixed the icons on the sound settings page for Battlelog VOIP.
* Fixed the toggle (collapse/expand) icon for the server browser settings.
* Fixed the border in the "FEEDBACK & SUPPORT" window.
* Fixed the search results for the "Find Soldier" form, changed background as well.
* Made some minor changes to the "Add a new friend" button in the Com Center.
xXJumpyXx wrote:
I can't reproduce this. Do you mean if you're on the multiplayer page (server browser) and open the find soldier form it goes away?
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Sorry ezek1el3000, I can't reproduce that problem in Firefox or Chrome, with that said I can't fix it (if it is a bug in the theme). It might be something on your end, not sure what though.
But don't leave empty handed, theme's updated again :)
~~~~ Version dev_05 ~~~~
+ Styled the game manager.
+ Styled the "Wake Island Dog Tag Challenge" page.
* Fixed the private/public icon in party chat.
* Fixed the speaking icon in party chat.
* Fixed it so it displays correctly when someone in a party is playing.
* Fixed it so you can see which key you have for Push To Talk (PTT) in the Com Center.
* Fixed the kick/mute menu in the party chat so that it's styled.
* Fixed the sorting vehicles icons on the vehicles page.
* Made the Game Activity logo in the top bar be orange/yellow when on that page. (NOTE: Not my problem to fix, but whatever...)
Helping Hand
If you make this white, I'll use your theme.
Helping Hand
Pun1a wrote:
If you make this white, I'll use your theme.
What a coincidence I actually have that fixed in my local dev build. I'm going to try and squeeze some more fixes in before I update.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
New update again :)
~~~~ Version dev_06 ~~~~
+ Made some minor changes to the VOIP buttons in the Com Center when in a party.
+ Styled the gun plot.
* Fixed the links on the "Wake Island Dog Tag Challenge" page to be like all other links, didn't take effect in last update.
* Changed the colour of the awards/ribbons border.
* Fixed so that the battle feed entries has the same close/delete button as in Steam as well.
* Fixed the game icons so that the black PC icon is grey instead.
* Fixed the Com Center yellow background when it's open.
* Fixed the text on the Com Center tab so that it fits the new background.
* Fixed the flip/rotate buttons on the "Edit Platoon Emblem" page.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Lol, 3rd post in a row. Anyhow, theme's updated again.
I think this might be the last dev_ release, unless I manage to finish a secret feature and fix the all the buttons. As it is now, the theme should be usable and most, if not all, areas of Battlelog are styled in some way.
~~~~ Version dev_07 ~~~~
+ Added support for the BF3Stats iframe, it wont be seen until the final theme though.
* Fixed so that the arrows going down on the assignments page are styled like the other (vertical) arrows.
* Fixed so that the text box for chaining the Battlelog background fits the rest of the theme.
* I took it upon myself to make a temporary fix for the mini stars bug, until they're fixed in BBLog that is.
Hi Jumpy,
i like your theme very much. But could you make the Assignment text more readalbe? not black just gray or something? Maybe white? Would be great.
Helping Hand
Sure, I'll find some nice colour for it. This will however be fixed when I've fixed the stuff broken in the new Battlelog update. So next dev_ version will probably be later today or tomorrow.
yeah, sounds good. Lookin forward to check it out. Keep up the great work!
great work, i like the theme
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Updated. This is mainly to fix the stuff broken by the Battlelog update.
I'm still going to make some changes regarding the profile page, but at least it usable now :)
~~~~ Version dev_08 (New Battlelog) ~~~~
* Fixed the soldier search bar/field.
* Fixed the active/selected server in the server browser.
* Fixed the profile page.
* Changed the colour of the text on assignments progress, let me know if it's okay.
NOTE: Let me know if you find something broken by the new Battlelog update.
so cool
Very good job jumpy! I like it very much. Assignment text is now a way better readable. Thank you for making these changes so quickly!
This theme is really nice, thanks for the work Jumpy!
And ye, the assignment text is a lot better and also it's better compatible with the latest Battlelog update :)
Though, I would like to see a color change on the buttons. Maybe change the colors so they look like the "Join Server" (My Filtersets is the same) button with a gray background and white text?
Hi Jumpy,
found this after some testing. Could you make the background of the "player radar user found" thing more readable?
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
A little bit bigger update now, at least bigger than the rest
(excluding dev_01)
~~~~ Version dev_09 ~~~~
+ Styled the "Update available" menu.
+ Styled the "FINISH THE INSTALLATION" pop-up box.
+ Made the search results in the find soldier search bar be scrollable instead of going down the whole page.
+ Styled the Battle Report DNA cluster on the profile page.
+ Styled the BBLog context menu.
+ Styled the flame user post warning on the forum.
+ Styled the flame warning message on the selected server in the server browser.
* Re-styled the profile pages background images. Let me know what you think, Premium & Non-Premium profiles.
* Fixed some stuff on the "Search Results" page on the Forum.
* Fixed a lot of smaller stuff (Example: Some border colours).
* Fixed so that it shows the MOHW icons instead of the BF3 icons on MoH:W related stuff.
Flaxe wrote:
I would like to see a color change on the buttons. Maybe change the colors so they look like the "Join Server" (My Filtersets is the same) button with a gray background and white text?
I've been too lazy to change the buttons, but it will be done, just not sure when though :/
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Jumpy, will you marry me? its one of the best themes ever.
wasakakero wrote:
Jumpy, will you marry me? its one of the best themes ever.
100% agreed. execpt the proposal of marriage ;-)
got another one. the names are covered by dogtags.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
From a big update to a small update :P
~~~~ Version dev_10 ~~~~
+ Styled the loading box at the bottom of the server browser.
* Fixed the Age Ratings page.
- Removed the CSS that made dog tags overlap the soldier names on the profile pages. (This was only a bug in Firefox, in Chorme it worked like I intended it to in dev_09).
You sir, are awesome! Thx.
Theme Developer
One suggestion, could you just overwrite the file in dropbox with the same filename, so we dont have to update the link in BBLog every time, or does it change the number in the link as well?
Helping Hand
juress wrote:
One suggestion, could you just overwrite the file in dropbox with the same filename, so we dont have to update the link in BBLog every time, or does it change the number in the link as well?
I use the same file all the time, open it make, changes and Ctrl+S (save) it. I do the same for my local dev version and I never have to update the link.
The posted link is Up2Date and is the same that I've used all the time.
Theme Developer
xXJumpyXx wrote:
juress wrote:
One suggestion, could you just overwrite the file in dropbox with the same filename, so we dont have to update the link in BBLog every time, or does it change the number in the link as well?
I use the same file all the time, open it make, changes and Ctrl+S (save) it. I do the same for my local dev version and I never have to update the link.
The posted link is Up2Date and is the same that I've used all the time.
Oh right, i guess i was fooled by that %29 stuff :D
You shouldnt put special characters and spaces into a filename you plan to put on the net ;)
Helping Hand
juress wrote:
Oh right, i guess i was fooled by that %29 stuff :D
You shouldnt put special characters and spaces into a filename you plan to put on the net ;)
It's only a temporary file, until I publish the theme live (in the theme switcher) :) After that I'll use a normal name.
Quick theme related information update:
So, collage is keeping me busy most of my time now.
If theme updates comes a bit slower or what not, it's because of limited time.
I hope you understand :P
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Updated, this is only to fix a bug that would have been in BBLog 2.6.0.
~~~~ Version dev_11 ~~~~
* Fixed the BBLog Plugins list so that listed entries are the same as in the Theme Switcher.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
so, its going to be in the next release of BBLog?
This theme is now added to featured list. Gratulations.
Helping Hand
wasakakero wrote:
so, its going to be in the next release of BBLog?
Where does the link go? All I get is "403 - Forbidden".
brain wrote:
This theme is now added to featured list. Gratulations.
Global Moderator
jep, its a nice tehem, really good work, but i still prefer the bandar desert :-P
José Ortega
Global Moderator
damn, i hate those img host.
and.. just for fun:
Helping Hand
wasakakero wrote:
damn, i hate those img host.
Will fix that for sure :) But it's not on the top of my to-do/priority list at the moment.
Helping Hand
ORFK wrote:
jep, its a nice tehem, really good work, but i still prefer the bandar desert :-P
That's OK :) It would be pretty boring/bad if everyone in the world had the same taste.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
So finally, after some time, I'll finally update the theme again, YAY :D
As always, if you find any bugs or have feedback, by all means, post it here :) I hope you like this update.
~~~~ Version 1.0.2 ~~~~
+ Started work on some Battlelog yellow buttons, what do you think? (Example: The "Post" button in the forum)
+ Added a background colour for transparent gravatars.
+ Made the dog tag selection boxes on the "Select Dog Tags" page a little bit bigger.
* Changed some colours in the "Objects" box on the "Edit Platoon Emblem" page. (Now you can use it without sitting 2cm from the screen, xD.)
* Made a "TEMPORARY" fix for the platoons menu if you have invites waiting.
* Fixed the remove/delete/close button in the friends list.
* Fixed the BBLog Cloud menu.
* Fixed a small Battelog bug on some profile pages.
* Fixed the footer background in the BF3Stats iframe.
* Fixed the delete button on the "Battle Feed Entry" page.
* Fixed a bug among the "Layers" on the "Edit Platoon Emblem" page.
* Fixed the dog tag selection boxes on the "Select Dog Tags" page.
* Fixed the promote/demote/kick buttons in the platoon members list.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Yellow buttons? you should try a green combination, steam-like.
Helping Hand
wasakakero wrote:
Yellow buttons? you should try a green combination, steam-like.
No, I don't mean it like that. I mean that I've started to work on the yellow buttons that are in Battlelog to make them more Steam like.
I'm still not sure how I feel about the buttons I included in this version. If you want to have a look at them you can find the new buttons under the multiplayer menu and post just to name two places.
I'll surely look into the green like buttons now that you mentioned them, they could go good with Battlelog.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
xXJumpyXx wrote:
I'll surely look into the green like buttons now that you mentioned them, they could go good with Battlelog.
they WILL look good, it could be even better if you disable the background.
Hey Jumpy,
can make the scrollbar in the activity window more visible? Grey colored like the font color?
Helping Hand
Sure, I'll change it. I'll include it in the next update I'm working on for BBLog 3.
awesome. thanks.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
OK, the Steam Theme is now compatible with BBLog 3.
~~~~ Version 1.0.3 (New BBLog) ~~~~
+ Made the colour of the scrollbars be a bit brighter.
* Fixed a lot of stuff for MoH:W.
* Fixed stuff for the new BBLog 3.
* Fixed the colour of the "Highest round score" in the Battle Feed and Game Activity.
* Fixed some stuff in the server browser.
This update will go live for everyone when BBLog 3 is released on the 21st.
Changelog is not final, I might or might not do more stuff till BBLog 3 is out.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Do you still have plans for the green buttons?
Helping Hand
Yeah, I do :)
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
A quick update to fix the news/forum section at the top of the BBLog menu. It was broken by some last minute changes in BBLog before it went live.
~~~~ Version 1.0.4 ~~~~
* Fixed the News/Forum section in the BBLog menu.
- Removed the scrollbar support for the BBLog menu, it was removed before launch.
I'm aware of the news/forum not being spaced apart from the rest of the menu, don't worry about it.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
EDIT: Solved my problem, never mind!
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
So I finally decided to work a bit on the theme again and managed to do a decent update if you ask me.
I also validated the CSS file with the WC3 Validator for fun, no errors found :D
The new green buttons on the home page, let me know what you think.
~~~~ Version 1.0.5 ~~~~
+ Styled the MoH:W Stats iframe.
+ Styled the "Start Mission" CO-OP dropdown menu.
+ Styled the progression arrows in Gun Master Battle Reports.
+ Giving green Steam buttons a try, let my know what you think of the result.
* Made some small changes on the CO-OP page, nothing worth mentioning.
* Made the Common Selector text be a bit more readable by adding a shadow to it.
* Fixed some other stuff in the BBLog Options menu.
* Fixed some stuff on the MoH:W stats page.
* Fixed the server name in Battle Reports from the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 so it's white instead of black.
* Fixed the issue with the news/forum section not being spaced apart from the rest of the BBLog menu.
* Fixed the favorite link in the multiplayer dropdown menu to have a capitalized F. (Thanks to ORFK and juress for pointing it out)
- Removed some old/outdated stuff that's not needed any more.
Side note: I validated the CSS file with the WC3 Validator :)
EDIT: These damn iframes and not working unless the theme is loaded from the BBLog servers means I can only detect bugs when the theme is live. Nonetheless, I'll update the theme again and fix the damn bugs.
I really like the green touch but you should be consequent and change all buttuns to green.
The orange button doesn't look good with your theme, imho.
The change background option is not working if your theme is activated. I want to try this feature with this background:
can you confirm this? or a problem on my end again? I tried other themes and it works...
Helping Hand
It's the theme, I use !important on the background. I'll fix it later today.
I'm going to update the theme again today anyway, to fix the iframe bugs and put a secret new background image :)
great! Thanks.
Helping Hand
So I spent some time fixing and adding stuff. This update brings more green buttons to the people :)
A nice little thing I decided to do was to add some snow to the background, it's Christmas soon after all so why not spice it up a bit?
~~~~ Version 1.0.6 ~~~~
+ Added more green buttons.
+ Added some of FamFamFam icons as replacements to the default Battlelog ones.
+ Styled selections.
+ Styled the "My Filtersets" menu in the Server Browser.
+ Gave the theme a winter/snowy touch, it's Christmas soon :).
+ Gave the top bar a dark shadow under it to make it pop out a bit.
+ Inverted the colours on the play button for status updates in the feed.
+ Changed the Accept/Decline buttons.
+ Rounded the corners of feed comments by 2px.
* Fixed the iframe bugs. (I can't detect iframe bugs unless the theme is LIVE)
* Fixed the position of the progress bar on the Award Progression (Awards) page.
* Some code cleaning.
There's maybe something small I've forgotten to add to the list. If I remember something else I'll add it.
Global Moderator
Really like the christmas edition. :-)
However, I've found a small design bug. When you're disconnected with a server the "reconnect" button is green, but the "close" button isn't. It hasn't a color at all.
Keep up the good work. :-)
Well done. I like the new christmas background. But i dont like the geen buttons. Just ugly, imho.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
I'm glad the Christmas Edition is appreciated :)
Meaurk wrote:
However, I've found a small design bug. When you're disconnected with a server the "reconnect" button is green, but the "close" button isn't. It hasn't a color at all.
Thanks, I'll have a look at it.
ezk1el3000 wrote:
But i dont like the geen buttons. Just ugly, imho.
Any ideas on how you'd make them less, ugly, so to say? Maybe making them darker, using another green steam button, etc...
I like the bigger green buttons more than the tiny, don't know why. Look quite better in big.
I guess that the small buttons looks "darker" to the eye because of the smaller area.
In my opinion would be a more "shiny" effect of the button better (not a glow, more the color itself). And also, button texts would be better with white color or "white 0px 0px 1px" text-shadow and still black font color, or something, for a better contrast (maybe this not match with a more shinier button).
try BrainFooLongs recommendation.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Oops, seems like I forgot a URL in the CSS when I published the 1.0.6 update. Not only that, but the URL is defunct after the update so the report icon in Battlelog went away completely :S
I had planned to wait with this release a bit but seeing as I'm in breach of two theme rules with this and the fact that the report button is gone I don't really have a choice.
~~~~ Version 1.0.7 ~~~~
* Fixed the selection colour in Firefox to resemble the intended one in Chrome.
* Made a pretty darn small fix on the Battlefield 3 Stats Overview page. (1px, that's how small)
* So it seems like Firefox refused my last iframe fixes :/. I yet again had to fix the damn iframes...
* Forgot to remove a URL in the CSS for the report icon that I used in my developer build. Now you'll see the icon again (the new icon :P).
I'll work on the buttons and the Reconnect button bug for the next release, should have been in this one but it is what it is.
Your themes are awesome ^^
A short feedback about green buttons.
I really love the green button in the Multiplayer Dropdown "Quick Match".
That looks perfect with the white font, the decent green text shadow and the minimal border radius.
All others with black bold font don't look as good as the quick match button for me.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
BrainFooLong wrote:
A short feedback about green buttons.
I really love the green button in the Multiplayer Dropdown "Quick Match".
That looks perfect with the white font, the decent green text shadow and the minimal border radius.
All others with black bold font don't look as good as the quick match button for me.
Also, some buttons arent like the steam buttons (some of them are to much dark).
Is there a way to switch back to the old background for those who prefer it?
Post edited 6 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Sure there is. Use the Change Background option in BBLog and apply this: black url( repeat-x
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
I've been lazy during the holiday, but I decided to get the theme a little bit fixed up for 2013 :)
~~~~ Version 1.0.8 ~~~~
+ Made the advertisement background be dark, in some cases if the advertisement wouldn't load you'd see a white box.
+ Styled some more buttons. (The only buttons that are left now are the add friend buttons.)
* Changed the background to be like the normal one but with people cheering for the year 2013.
* Added a small shadow to the profile boxes to make them seem blurred instead of having sharp edges.
* Fixed the colour of the text being really dark while writing a comment and focusing on something else.
* Fixed a lot bugs on the Store page.
* Fixed some text colours that were being displayed wrong.
* Fixed the green buttons a bit, now the text is white, not bold and has a black shadow to make it easier to read. (The small BBLog buttons still have a black bold text, a lot easer to read that way.)
PS: This is the first BBLog forum post of 2013, I deserve a cookie :P
cheers. and here is your coockie :)
Post edited 1 x times, last by
José Ortega
Global Moderator
José Ortega
Global Moderator
I can give you a cookie, but im hungy.
EDIT: jumpy for god sake, that avatar is crazy @_@
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
wasakakero wrote:
I can give you a cookie, but im hungy.
EDIT: jumpy for god sake, that avatar is crazy @_@
I'm on a quest to hypnotise the internetz. You are now under my command, you'll ignore your own hunger and send that cookie to me instead :P
Just for the record - I see you changed the most buttons to white font and green BG.
But there still some green buttons with a black font (bblog options for example) - That doesn't look as good as the white font, imho.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Yeah, I know about the BBLog buttons (the small ones) using a black font colour.
I tried using a white/brighter font colour but then it wasn't as readable. So I decided to use white on larger buttons and black on smaller buttons.
Well, just tried a better looking option for me.
Maybe you like it too.
he doesn't like white things, white cookies aren't that good.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Yay for another update :P
Nothing special, just some fixes.
~~~~ Version 1.0.9 ~~~~
+ Styled the sound related elements for the soldier radar.
* Fixed a border on the "Edit profile" page.
* Fixed the colour of the ellipsis (...) on long server names on the "Servers" page.
* Changed back to the normal background (updated version, though).
* Re-styled the BBLog buttons due to popular demand. (Thanks to BrainFooLong)
Helping Hand
Here we go. Nothing really exciting, but an update nonetheless.
~~~~ Version 1.1.0 ~~~~
+ Styled the "BANNED" badge.
+ Styled the tabs. (Example: The tabs on the profile page)
+ Styled the tooltips.
+ Gave the footer icons a small hover effect. (Just for fun :D)
* Re-styled the forum to fit the new Steam forum.
* Changed the Premium header on profile pages.
* Fixed the background image a bit. (Changed it from PNG to JPG for better quality)
* Fixed some smaller bugs on the forum.
- Removed a small border-radius on feed comment boxes.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Here, take a cookie.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
I've been working on making the forums look a lot more like the Steam forums.
I think it looks aright, if I'm allowed to say so myself.
~~~~ Version 1.1.1 (Updated Battlelog) ~~~~
+ Styled the newly added separator for Sticky forum threads.
+ Made the "Sticky" text on forum threads be green, like it is on Steam forums. (The "Locked" text on locked threads will also be green, call it a side effect if you'd like)
* Gave the forums more work to make it even more Steam like.
- Removed the CSS for the "FEEDBACK & SUPPORT" tab, it was removed when Battlelog was updated.
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
A small update following the Battlelog update.
~~~~ Version 1.1.2 (Updated Battlelog) ~~~~
+ Styled the forum post preview area.
+ Styled the comment reply section in news posts.
+ Styled the hooah text on news posts/comments.
+ Styled the spoiler blocks, if you hover it you'll see a hard to read (at first glance) preview of the hidden text.
+ Made an easy/quick fix for the newly added BBCode buttons. (I'll make them better later on...)
+ Lowered the opacity on the favourite battle reports unknown picture.
* Fixed the topic textarea colour while creating a new thread.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Can you push away the soldier picture from the lvl picture?
<----See? The lvl icon overlaps the soldier. Can you do that with the other themes also?
Helping Hand
I can do it with this (Steam) theme and the Glow theme, because they're my themes.
There's however a plugin called "Fix Elements" that does exactly this.
Post Link:
i think you interchanged "what you see" and "what you supposed to see"
Global Moderator
No, I "selected" the whole page by accident and the text "When you add friends their activity will appear here in real-time." showed up, it isn't visible in steam team. :)
Global Moderator
ahhhhhh yeah ^^ true! thanks xD
Global Moderator
Jumpy, what have you done?!
Helping Hand
Nothing, lol.
I noticed it myself today. It only occurs in Chrome as far as I can tell.
I'll update the theme tomorrow/today.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
I've tried to fix everything that is broken in Chrome. If you happen to stumble upon something still broken, feel free to share.
~~~~ Version 1.1.3 ~~~~
+ Added better support for some future BBLog stuff.
+ Styled the leaderboards a bit more.
* Made the text in the server browser filter menu be a tiny bit brighter when hovering it.
* Fixed a ton of stuff that stopped working in Chrome for some reason.
* Fixed so that the new sorting options in the forum search are styled.
* Fixed the join/play button in the COM CENTER so that it shows when you hover it.
Maybe some other small thing(s) which I've forgotten about.
Helping Hand
Get ready ladies and gentlemen, get ready to see the smallest update in the history of history.
This should have been fixed ages ago, but other stuff got in the way and I forgot about it...
Also, I somehow managed to delete the changelog.txt from my Dropbox, but it's fixed now :)
~~~~ Version 1.1.4 ~~~~
* Removed the white border under the "View more activity" button on the forum page.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
it should be 1.1.31 instead.
Here, take a cookie.
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Fixed the stuff that I have seen are broken, not a clean update, though. The old CSS is still in there, I didn't feel like cleaning out the old stuff.
I'll probably re-write the theme from scratch when BF4 is out, or when Battlelog 2.0 is out, not sure if that will come before or with BF4. Mostly because I don't want to clean the code, only to have to do it all over again.
~~~~ Version 1.1.5 ~~~~
* Fixed the theme to work with the new Battlelog update.
* Fixed the switch weapon menu on the weapons page, have missed it until now :S
~~~~ Version 1.1.6 ~~~~
+ Made the avatars have a border with the status colour.
* Fixed more stuff, smaller stuff, that was broken.
* Made the navigation bar be fixed to the top like the new Battlelog.
Helping Hand
Yay! I finally managed to update the theme again, with the help of BrainFooLong :-)
It's been some time since I updated the theme now, the summer has kept me busy. But I've noticed a few problems with the theme, so I thought ought to update it.
The 1.1.7 update should have been released earlier, but I'm experiencing problems with updating the theme, so BrainFooLong had to update it for me, which happened today.
~~~~ Version 1.1.7 ~~~~
+ Made the 'Create new match' button on the Matches page be bigger. (Thanks to Dendari)
+ Made the selected server be listed in red, if the server is on the server radar. (Thanks to Dendari)
+ Made the main forum page and forum titles use the 'BebasNeueRegular' font for the forum headings.
+ Made the contracted chat wider, so the close button wont interfere.
+ Moved the solider on the Campaign page to the left to fix a display/render issue.
+ Styled the Match page(s). (Thanks to Dendari)
* Fixed the progress bar in the soldier menu.
* Fixed the background in the chat.
* Fixed the tab colour on the active tab in the navigation bar.
* Fixed the Apply bar on the Loadout page. (Thanks to Dendari)
* Fixed the 'FEEDBACK & SUPPORT' pop-up window.
* Fixed a colour on the forum 'Search results' page.
* Fixed the 'SOLDIER' text not disappearing in the navigation bar when the browser windows gets too small.
* Fixed the COM CENTER not going away when the browser window gets too small.
* The above fix (^) broke the toggle COM CENTER button feature, so I had to fix that as well.
* Made some small fixes in the Game Activity, to make it look better.
Thanks to Dendari for the help he offered in this update.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Im out of cookies this time, but i will give you a polar bear instead.
Helping Hand
Even though I'd prefer cookies, that polar bear deal sure is intriguing... I'll take it!
I'll name him/her/it Pluto :-)
Helping Hand
Yay, I finally managed to update the theme for the new Battlelog update.
~~~~ Version 1.1.8 (Battlelog Update) ~~~~
* Fixed the header for the new Battlelog update.
* Made some changes to the Battlelog ads on the main page.
Sweet, I'll save it for when the world ends, you always need a backup cookie in dire times!
That white on the Mobile Artillery icon bugs me. It stands out too much. I found that it wasn't using alpha on the inside of the icons and was designed to be on a white background. So I decided to fix it.
Here is the fixed
Steam Theme Kit Icons
And the
Fixed Original Battlelog Kit Icons
(for other theme developers to use?)
On another note there seems to be an issue with the drop down menus along the top (with Chrome at least). I hover over and the drop down transitions in but then when I move my mouse down to click on something it transitions back out again not allowing me to click an item in the drop down.
I played around a little and it seems it is to do with line 58 of the theme #base-header .game-bar .grid-container{bottom: 1px;}
I understand why this is there and does look better with than without but I haven't been able to find a way to make it work. It seems to be making a 1 pixel gap.
Helping Hand
Thanks for the fixed Mobile Artillery :) I have no idea why they made only the Mobile Artillery image have white in it, when the others don't.
In regards to the 1px gap, I was working with it in the last update and I guess I thought it was working as it should, but I guess not.
If you're interested, I fixed it quite easily by adding a 1px transparent border to the same line.
~~~~ Version 1.1.9 ~~~~
* Changed the Mobile Artillery icon to match the rest. (Thanks to SomeRedThing)
* Fixed the 1px gap in-between the menu row and drop-down menu's.
* Fixed some link colours on the weapons and vehicle pages.
* Made a quick/easy fix for the drop-down menu's going up instead of down, if the browser window is too small.
Awesome! Thanks for the quick update Jumpy.
My guess is that the other icons were made first. Then someone else made the Mobile Artillery and Tank Destroyer icons when Armored Kill came out. The white versions of those have black pixels on them. You don't notice them as much because the background is already dark anyway.
Yeah I played with adding borders. Didn't think of making it transparent though.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
It seems like you have to resize the containers. I have a huge space between the panel and the default base-container.
Must be something DICE did while updating Battlelog to version 'production-14', when I updated the theme yesterday the theme worked fine, but then Battlelog was in 'production-11'.
It seems like a border managed to sneak it's way in left of the the soldier in the menu row with the update as well.
I'll have a look around for more broken stuff and probably have it fixed later today.
EDIT: Updated now.
~~~~ Version 1.2.0 ~~~~
* Fixed the page being pushed down a lot.
* Fixed COM CENTER not showing when active, if the browser window is too small.
* Fixed some pop-up text.
* Made the new PC logo on the soldier tab be white when active.
- Removed the 1px border that snuck in by the solider image in the menu row.
EDIT: Battlelog was updated yesterday (2013-10-01) and made the top menu bugged.
~~~~ Version 1.2.1 ~~~~
* Fixed the community bar background.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
This is just a little update post.
I'm currently re-writing the theme from scratch for Battlelog 2.0 and at the same time experimenting with a different look from what the current version of the theme has.
With that in mind, I'll most likely post a preview of the new version (2.0.0) in the coming days. To make sure that everything is working fine, and also to acquire some feedback.
My plan is to continue the 1.X.X branch of the theme for BF3 and MoH:W, while the 2.X.X branch will represent BF4.
New Theme Versions Format:
X.Y.Z [size=50](e.g. 2.7.4)[/size]
X = Theme branch - 1 is BF3 & MoH:W, while 2 is BF4. [size=50](Battlelog [1].0 and Battlelog [2].0)[/size]
Y = Bigger update - Updates that I consider to be big.
Z = Smaller updates - Updates that I consider to be small.
Helping Hand
So, I'm finally ready to release a
version of the new Steam Theme for Battlelog 2.0 (BF4).
Keep in mind that it's still not the final version of the theme.
I have been testing out the theme for a few days now and I'm loving it. I have only seen one problem that comes with being premium.
If I had to give feedback on anything really it would be for the background image to be one full image to cover the whole page and for maybe a new style of font where it says Soldiers / Presentation ect maybe Purista? ^^ Other than that I'm loving the theme so far!
Helping Hand
I haven't been on Battlelog for quite some time now, I didn't even know if the Steam Theme 2 test still worked.
But seeing as it pretty much works 100% as it was when I made it, I'll have a look at it and work on it a little bit in the coming days.
I've been semi-inactive here for a time as well, so I'm sorry for the late reply.
No1 Theme Fan ready for testing duty :)
I've noticed you have changed all the buttons in Steam Theme 2 to a bright green. Personally I find them distracting because they draw my eyes to things that aren't important. Particularly the Com Center ones. I think it might be the number of them that bothers me. I think the green should only be used for the "important" buttons.
I made a collection of different looking buttons I could find on steam:
I tried a few out to see how they might look on BattleLog and heres some pseudo-css of what I think the colors should be: .btn-tiny { gray }
.btn-small, .btn-clean { blue or gray }
.btn-primary { green }
.btn-clean so far I only found to be used for the Create Group Chat button in the Com Center. I think it would be okay the same as small or perhaps could be a flatter and/or squarer look.
I also had a toy with the look of the "submenu" and made it into a tab format (like seen here
). Looks okay for single level but starts to look strange when you have two rows, like on the Stats and Unlocks pages. The tab format at
is similar but would look odd too. Maybe there could be a special style for second menus?
Some other little thoughts I have:
Create Group Chat button in the Com Center should be centered or fill the area it is in.
on the buttons I find makes the icons on the buttons to join a friend in the Com Center look a little odd with what looks like a black edge to it.
The buttons on the Steam website are a bit squarer with 2px
rather than the 3px you have with your theme.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
Thanks for the feedback and ideas :D
I'll most definitely give the suggested changes a shot, and implement them as I see fit.
As with the green buttons (and other changes), you'll probably just noticed the changes one day. I don't really keep a changelog or post updates until the theme is
EDIT: The Steam Theme is now retired by me. Read the main post...