i need help - Better Battlelog Forums #2065

It exists an plugin to make the platoon presentation url static.
it was featured by website of andrew.com

now my question..!
Is it possible to make the url in the profile presentation static?

that could be a nice plugin for all us!
I don't know what you mean, but when you check out
BBLog Options -> Minor Improvements -> Add clickable links to walls and platoon / server / profile presentation you probably find what you search.
thats the main options who has everyone.
I know that and work with it,but i mean a plugin ,like this-

but I would have it also to make the url of my profile presentation static.
I mean a plugin ,like this-

but I would have it also to make the url of my profile presentation static.
Please stop linkin Scriptfiles
/screenshot/link-to-description. Anybody won't add/install a script without knowing what it does only to see what you mean.

And we still don't know what you mean with "static profilepresentation" you give us a link to a "background.js" file, what have this todo with static URL?! If you want to have a special Background: check out the Background Feature from BBLog. If not, describe your request in words, not with links to scripts.

btw: Topics merged.