I think it would be a useful way to always know where to find the vehicle you need, a small button that indicates these features, the map, the specific location, type of vehicle and the necessary DLC. Also applicable to arms: the type of weapon, the DLC .... would also be very useful information. Thanks and congratulations for this great project that helps so many, many users, Many Thanks from Spain. ]
Creo que sería una manera util de saber siempre donde encontrar el vehiculo que necesitas, un pequeño boton que indique estas caracteristicas, el mapa, el lugar concreto, el tipo de vehiculo y el DLC necesario. Tambien aplicable a las armas: el tipo de arma, el DLC.... también seria informacion muy util. Gracias y enhorabuena por este gran proyecto que ayuda a tantos, tantos usuarios, Muchas Gracias desde España. :)
Idea is fine. But someone need to make it for all maps.
If somebody do that, i find a way to integrate it into battlelog.
Theme Developer
Good idea smokingganja...You can find a lot of information concerning vehicules/maps/dlc on these websites
I was going to suggest Randomnade maps as well but with a warning. There are some maps where what they list in there isn't really there, I can't recall off hand which map it was though.
It seems that IGN uses the same maps that Randomnade uses at least to a point. IGN isn't complete either. Example: Gulf of Oman they only list Assault and Conquest Small but no mention of Conquest Large.
I'm confused by what the OP means about the weapons/arms.
I'm confused by what the OP means about the weapons/arms.
The OP probably meant on the weapons page, it should say which class it is and which DLC it was included in.
I think that would be interesting but not a high priority to implement
So, someone made this map graph?
Global Moderator
map graph would be really difficult.
if somebody knows a way how it would be possible to made GOOD Maps from Bird's-eye view, i could do it (but would need help).
the two linked pages, ign and randomnade doesn't have complete information, and they use ofthen wrong point or infos. if somebody have a empty server with all possible gamemodes/maps, it would be easy to made a list.
Well, i don't know if you are an premium user or not, neverless.. but prima guides got for most maps the bird view.
so bird view for closed quarters and armored shield are included with premium guides, called interactive maps.
So here is a little tryout to get maps.
It will appear in your platoon under edit platoon called "Tactics". Its not even a prototype or something, just wanted to try out jquerygeo.
All maps are loaded correctly with all 5 zoom levels (i also included the b2k maps, for vanilla there are only whole images with around 1000px available)
PS: Just the pixelsizes between the zoom levels are only set up for the back to karkand maps, except sharqi
Horfic wrote:
Well, i don't know if you are an premium user or not, neverless.. but prima guides got for most maps the bird view.
so bird view for closed quarters and armored shield are included with premium guides, called interactive maps.
So here is a little tryout to get maps.
It will appear in your platoon under edit platoon called "Tactics". Its not even a prototype or something, just wanted to try out jquerygeo.
All maps are loaded correctly with all 5 zoom levels (i also included the b2k maps, for vanilla there are only whole images with around 1000px available)
PS: Just the pixelsizes between the zoom levels are only set up for the back to karkand maps, except sharqi
Not too bad. My only thing is this....
Karkand, Wake and Sharqi are Assault not Conquest. And there are 3 different ones.
Wake Assault #2 and Assault 64 have no differences between them as far as flag numbers, where as Assault is smaller and only has 3 flags (no carrier).
Gulf of Oman is Conquest, small and large, and has 1 version that is Assault. The one you have labeled Conquest is Assault, the other 2; Conquest 24 and Large are fine. Not really sure where the 24 comes into it though.
The difference between Assault and Conquest is that Assault one side has no main and starts off with all of the flags and the "assault" team has a main, more ticket count. Conquest each side a has a main, same ticket count and no one starts off with any flags.
Also can you make it so the map list is all off to the 1 side instead of wrapping around the image like it's doing now.
It's a good start, don't get me wrong. Now if there is a way to overlay the flag and vehicle locations for each of the modes that would be great. But I also wonder what differences there are, if any, between platforms.
Well as i said, it just a proove of concept, the maps are from primagames. And if you are premium user you can look at the maps directly at primagames. There are also already the overlays build in to activate/deactive flags, sections.
Global Moderator
Horfic wrote:
So here is a little tryout to get maps.
well... i get an error message...
This platoon does not exist or has been removed
Could not find platoon
well, whats your url when you click on it? did you try the link from last post?
EDIT: Didn't try it on chrome!
Theme Developer
It seems the plugin doesn't work well...impossible to open BBLog options when we are on tactics area.
Concerning a possible new feature on BBLog...i guess it's not possible to use Prima Games copyrighted maps or to show Premium reserved content to all people (problems with EA ?)
In addition, I don't think it is necessary to put all these vehicle locations on a map (seems to be complicated)... but why not in full text on the vehicle detailed page ?!
Global Moderator
thx. i will try something ^^
-edit:- its just working on english. german doesn't (ist just for information)
Amkhatar wrote:
It seems the plugin doesn't work well...impossible to open BBLog options when we are on tactics area.
doesn't matter, people should only be able to see where and how the maps are accessed.
Amkhatar wrote:
Concerning a possible new feature on BBLog...i guess it's not possible to use Prima Games copyrighted maps or to show Premium reserved content to all people (problems with EA ?)
All official map views are from prima games, also the one from ign and randomnade.
So you could programm the functionallity and people have to configure map sources themselves.
BBlog wouldn't have any issue with the map sources, because they don't provide links to it.
Its just linking to images which are anyway directly available per url.
Amkhatar wrote:
In addition, I don't think it is necessary to put all these vehicle locations on a map (seems to be complicated)... but why not in full text on the vehicle detailed page ?!
Putting things on a map isn't so difficult, its actually pretty easy with e.g. jquerygeo which i used.
*) Doesn't effect now BBLog.
*) Works now with every language.
any update on this matter? brain?
Global Moderator
No update because i don't have that what i need.
I don't want collect all data and places for vehicles, flags, etc...
The one suggested plugin with the map areas is very great but that's not all what's required.
well i can also provide all the other informations like flags, vehicles etc for the different modes.
I never suggested my plugin, it was only supposed to show devs, how to get the map images.
Global Moderator
i think we can use this thread to collect all information.
i will began maybe today, maybe on the weekend. but it would be better if this could do somebody who have a own server.
Ok, no suggestion, let us say a tech-demo.
But it would be really cool when you could make a great plugin.
This is a good thing to be "featured" in the bblog plugins.
Sounds good?
well it sounds good, but the current way the "techdemo" is implemented wouldn't fit the feature plugin list. Cuz I'm currently loading an external file, particulary jquerygeo library.
You should could include both files in one plugin file? If yes, than its possible, and even faster.
Well, i seen that including the map into one file is a bit horrible.
But for this reason and good plugin i could make a exception, if you would.
Another way is to just create a "array" of all locations and zones in javascript syntax.
Than i can use it for BBLog, without need of a plugin.
Rejected it because it's really heavy work and nobody can make a 100% accurate data map.