I'm really proud to introduce the platoon image upload, after DICE has disabled it for everyone.
I created a own image upload service that allow you, again, to upload platoon images.
The only thing is, only BBLog user's will see your uploaded platoon image. I cannot push those images to the battlelog server, but i can save it on the getbblog.com server and load it when BBLog is enabled.
We cannot make it working for non BBLog user's. Only DICE can do this.
We do not modify your battlelog platoon image, so all non BBLog users can see the image from the platoon editor.
Respect the TOS from Battlelog. If some stupid people use this service to upload crap images we must turn it off again. This is also the reason why DICE disabled this feature.
Crap Images are images that violate the TOS of Battlelog.
Edit: 500 Errors occur when you try to upload too big images (more than 500kB) or when you upload a non valid image file.
-edited by ORFK:-
Answer of a question like these:
Uploaded Platoon Emblem dosen't show up.
because you dont have saved an emblem.
if you have a complete new created platoon without saving an emblem in the emblem editor your uploaded platton logo won't work right. we will fix this bug in the next update.
but now for the moment you could solve it like this:
make a change in the emblem editor, put an element and save it on the normal way, than upload your custom platoon emblem with our script and it will work
i can see the Emblem but my friends and other teammates have BBLog and still can't
All members have to enable Platoon Images at "BBLog options -> General Improvements -> Platoon Image Upload". this option have to be enabled to can upload AND see Images. otherwise they will see only the standard platoon emblem which you have created in Battlelogs emblem editor.
Global Moderator
Please don't forget:
If you had uploaded a platoon logo/picture
this feature got blocked by DICE, it is still visibile and saved in battlelog till you save (click on "save emplem") a selfmade logo with the intern editor. So if you upload a new platoon logo/picture with the new BBLog feature, you don't have to click of "save emblem", otherwise you will overwrite the old platoon logo/picture.
Just for information:
We added also a control system to check for TOS violating images.
If you uploaded a image that not confirm with the TOS than we'll delete the image and block your platoon for lifetime in the upload feature.
So, it's not reasonable to try it out with uploading naked, brutal, racist or any bad image.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Helping Hand
Helping Hand
I made this thread Global, mostly because I think it's useful to get the information out about us blocking platoons for a lifetime if the break the Battlelog ToS. If you don't agree Roland, feel free to undo it :)
thank you, we already know about this statement.
i don't think dice will change in this case something.
but thx for linking the discussion, maybe he will give a new answer. i will follow the conversation.
I uploaded a .png as Platoon picture. It was changed to a jpeg with a blackground. I wanted to reupload a jpeg Version with a white Background but it doens't work. Now i have a ugly Platoon Image and can't change it :(
It's cached, Press F5 or CTRL + F5 after you uploaded a new picture.
José Ortega
Global Moderator
Please don't be mad at EA/DICE for this.
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can't delete.... sorry found my answer!
Salut a tous j ai crée un logo en 320 foi 320 pixel et j arrive pas a le mètres j ai bblog et quand je prend mon fichier sa chercher et sa me renvoi sur ma section je précise que c est un beau logo je peu faire quoi merci a tous.
Global Moderator
read our forum boards. and no, i dont want to translate now your message.
so please, write in the right language.
Hi all j Crees have my logo EN 320 320 pixels faith and I can not have a meter and the day When I bBlog Mon File Takes its look and me on my return I Specify What section c is a beautiful logo LITTLE I what do thank you all. there is nothing that helps me on the forum help me please thank yo
Global Moderator
sorry i absolutly dont understand what you mean.
can you explain more detailed what your problem is?
make a screenshot, upload your logo somewhere than we can see what it is.
and please, god has not invented for nothing point and comma!
Post edited 2 x times, last by
lot of mistakes in his message so google translate didn't understood ^^
he said when uploaded his emblem, he got redirected to the platoon homepage but no emblem displayed.
i got same problem, even after a while and lot of refresh
sorry for my english
Global Moderator
no trouble i understand french too, so i could unterstand what he wants to tell us. to you, can you send me a link to your platoon?
no trouble i understand french too, so i could unterstand what he wants to tell us. to you, can you send me a link to your platoon?
You're good... Hard to me to understand french with spelling mistakes...and more for google translate :D
the same french text in google translate in real french ;)
Hi all, I created a logo in 320 x 320 pixels and I can not install it. I have already installed bBlog and when I download my file, after a time it sent me on my page section. I said that it is a nice logo ... What can I do? Thank you all.
He has 3 platoon...i can try to contact him by chat
...i was thinking you told about slimmorle message ;)
Global Moderator
well i see, your emblem is on our server but in battlelog its still not visible.
i will take care about it, know few other clans with the same problem...
ok, thank you :)
Global Moderator
Amkhatar wrote:
He has 3 platoon...i can try to contact him by chat
and all 3 have now the BBLog Platoon Emblem.
so for him its working, and now its solved, because the didn't write here anymore.
but the emblem from zigomarvin is not working.
thats whats strange, because his emble is on our server.
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maybe my pigeon soldier is too crap...
I clicked on "Choose a file", selected my picture and clicked on "Ok". But after that, nothing happens. I used CTRL + F5 and I even restarted my computer - nothing happens. And advice?
I am having a problem where my new emblem is uploaded and i see it but others dont. and if i turn "platoon image upload" off i also dont see it. i tried clearing the cache and tried f5 and ctrl+f5 but none of those worked. any other solutions?
Global Moderator
did you read the first two posts in this topic?
i dont think you, otherwise you would know the answer of your question.
My Pic is 480KB and a JPG....error 500 :/
320x320 // JPG // 141KB
same problem / error 500
Hi there! I'm sorry but I can't understand how to delete an image i previously added. I made a new embrem using the battlelog embrem creator, and saved it, but in the platoon page there's still the image i've uploaded.
Sorry, I don't know if I explained myself correctly.
Actually there is no way to delete the platoon image you have uploaded.
Send me the url to your platoon, i'll delete it for you.
Actually there is no way to delete the platoon image you have uploaded.
Send me the url to your platoon, i'll delete it for you.
hi i cant modify the emblem of my platoon because i upload an image 2 day ago, now when i change the emblem with the standard battelog feature i have an error like IMAGE_ERROR..
only me can see the picture with betterbattlelog and i prefere use the emblem 4 this reason, please help me,
now u can see the old emblem but when i try tu upload the new emblem i have the error that I have said to you before.
Actually there is no way to delete the platoon image you have uploaded.
Send me the url to your platoon, i'll delete it for you.
hi i cant modify the emblem of my platoon because i upload an image 2 day ago, now when i change the emblem with the standard battelog feature i have an error like IMAGE_ERROR..
only me can see the picture with betterbattlelog and i prefere use the emblem 4 this reason, please help me,
now u can see the old emblem but when i try tu upload the new emblem i have the error that I have said to you before.
I've removed your image from bblog. Now you and all people see only the default emblem from battlelog. Change can take up to 3 hours to affect.
thank u very much :D now i'm waiting to change the emblem, sry for the request but i spent 1 hour for edit a good emblem today, maybe now i can say it wasn't a loss of time.
Global Moderator
you know that you can re-upload an emblem and then the old one will be replaced with the new?
i ve always the same problem,
now i have the old emblem and can't save the new work like explane before.
When i choose edit emblem i see my recent work correctly saved, but after save i see the old 0.0
if i try to modify it i can't save with error image_error.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Global Moderator
Global Moderator
clear your cache.
-edit:- what type of image is it? it it saved right?
yes i try, but nothing.
Global Moderator
maybe the size is too big?
You should goto DICE when the Emblem Editor not work correctly. We cannot help you here.
We only can help when the Image Upload not work.
like me but when i choose edit platoon there is another tipe of emblem (picture), if i don't modify anything btlog say the emblem is alredy save, but when i try to modify and save i have the famous error Error_image
Schermata 2013-01-14 a 15.02.20.png
So, this is a problem from DICE. We can't help you here, sry.
no problem, thank u for the support : D
In respect of the BF3 TOS and your warnings about platoon images I've uploaded an image to my platoon only to have it removed and all rights to post another image were taken. I've posted more details about my issue here and am quite curious as to why such action was taken.
not needed to write double posts. we read everything.
Not sure how this is a double post but, ok.
Global Moderator
You've posted another thread about this issue and refers in this thread to that other thread.
Discussion closed, back to topic. :-)
Ok, I'm not sure you guys covered this question but I've uploaded an Image to our battle log platoon page, Ive tried to change it but when I upload a new photo, it just reloads the previous platoon image. It will not change it for some reason. Is there any way you guys can help me? Thanks
No. This error happen when you try to upload a corrupt image file.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
I get this message with every jpg I try to upload. Even with the old picture. :(
Ok, seems to be a FF-Bug. With Chrome it works.
Global Moderator
are you sure it's an FF-Bug?
As brain said, this messages cames if the image file is broken.
its possible that the image is visible on your computer, but its possible that it have a small bug/error inside, thatswhy the upload is not possible. make sure your image is not broken and try it again.
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Hey community,
I really need some help. I used BBlog for uploading platoon-images until the BL update a few weeks ago.
Now it seems so that, the images which I uploaded, can only be seen by me, and only in FF. So if I upload the platoon-images, i can see them in FF, but not in Chrome, so the images do not get uploaded. The images are 320x320 and jpeg. It worked before the Update of BL. What's the mistake?
BBLog Settings -> Enable Platoon Image Upload.
If this is not enabled, the user (included your platoon members) CAN NOT see Platoon images.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
ORFK wrote:
BBLog Settings -> Enable Platoon Image Upload.
If this is not enabled, the user (included your platoon members) CAN NOT see Platoon images.
Platoon Image Upload is enabled.
Global Moderator
on your chrome brwoser too?
i can see your uploaded images. clear your cache.
Cleared the Cache....
I thought that BBLog, do not have to be installed...
Global Moderator
The only thing is, only BBLog user's will see your uploaded platoon image. I cannot push those images to the battlelog server, but i can save it on the getbblog.com server and load it when BBLog is enabled.
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Thank you.
Earlier it seemed to me, that it could be seen without having BBLog.
Okay, than how u explain this?
The 1st and the 3rd Platoon have an image, and i havent installed BBlog on Chrome. Also my griends see the Same pink image...
Helping Hand
Some time ago, Battlelog had a bug which enabled custom emblems to be uploaded to the Battlelog servers, so that every Battlelog user could see it.
This was fixed in a Battlelog update. But those who used that bug still have their custom emblems saved on the Battlelog servers.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Global Moderator
Global Moderator
... like me. since the bug was fixed i never changed the emblem of my platoons.
exactly for that reason, that every user should see the same, original.
as a made a quote in a post before, everything is explained in the first post of this topic.
just read on the first page the first two/three posts and you know everything =)
Can't u unfix this bug :D
Will it be possible in future? Are u working on it, or is EA/DICE to strong for u?
Thanks for the support guys, u helped me. It was a bit confusing for me because, everything worked.
Global Moderator
no, we're not working on a fix for this, simply because we can't "unfix" it.
we only could find a new bug, but i think DICE ESN will fix this too because they don't want custom platoon emblems on their server. so no, i think it would be never possible anymore.