absolute joke this has become(emblem) - Better Battlelog Forums #46291

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Service is currently deactivated because of the extreme server load. Be patient.

I'm really proud to introduce the platoon image upload, after DICE has disabled it for everyone.
I created a own image upload service that allow you, again, to upload platoon images.

The only thing is, only BBLog user's will see your uploaded platoon image. I cannot push those images to the battlelog server, but i can save it on the getbblog.com server and load it when BBLog is enabled.

come on guys do you really know what you are doing here?
we have been waiting ages for emblems to show up,so when you released this, your servers cant cope with it and its deactivated?
and you expect us to be patient? because you made a program that dosent work properly we should be thankful should we? and i thought battlelog admins were useless f**king morons.
Hehe, love ppl like you.

This addon is free and Brain is doing it himself in his own time. Nobody is paying him for it. Instead, he has to pay for the server, domain and everything.

So the next time you come here with a stupid ass comment like this, thing twice.
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planetx wrote:
your servers cant cope with it and its deactivated?
and you expect us to be patient? because you made a program that dosent work properly we should be thankful should we?

You want a server wich is faster and can serve more requests?
Good, nice to see that you want to help us:

im waiting for your server banner on the BBLog Website =)

ahh, wait, you don't want to pay? but you want a Addon for free without commercial adds?
than shut up and live with the situation! making demands is easy. working for something not so much.
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We like it civil, and would love to keep our forum civil as well...

Sorry that you feel this way about the current situation, but try to voice your opinions in a more civil manner, okay?

Like juress and ORFK has pointed out, it's a free project with very limited time with second to none income.
We are running on cheaper servers due to this and they can't cope with the amount of traffic we're receiving at the moment. Everyone is free to donate or buy a server spot/ad if they want us to get better servers and make BBLog better. We don't encourage donations but if someone insists, we'll accept.