I was having less kill than 10 and At least 1000 Points for Objectives still i dont get it?
How accomplishing??
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Global Moderator
Global Moderator
T.I.A wrote:
I was having less kill than 10 and At least 1000 Points for Objectives still i dont get it?
Did you have a higher game-Skill than 40? have you killed more than 40 enemies? did you have more than 10 helps by kills? have you destroyed more than 5 enemy vehicles? and have you in total more than 10'000 points? are you shure? yes? battlereport?
How accomplishing??
play better.
And again: BBLog Assigments should be something special, so probably not everybody will be able to finish them. They should be a special appreciation for GOOD players.
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Thats my question dear mod
If i have too do all 7 of it how come i already have 4 of them?
Reach a skill level higher than 40
1 / 1
Kill 40 or more Enemies
1 / 1
Die less than 10 times
0 / 1
Have at least 10 Kill Assists
0 / 1
Destroy 5 or more Vehicles
1 / 1
Get more than 10.000 Points in Total
1 / 1
At least 1000 Points for Objectives
0 / 1
So what do i have too do for the others? how many do you have to do before you get the rest? because apperntly i get the other 4
just asking