So just earlier I had just accepted the fact that we could no longer upload our own images on battlelog. So I started working on one using their joke of an editor.
After about 10 minutes I said "what the hell," and saved it, went back to the platoon page and what do I see? The custom image I was trying to upload the whole time.
First thing I wanted to do was make sure I wasn't the only one who could see it. I got my friend to update his BBLOG, and clear his cache, sure enough he can also see the custom picture.
So I ask you BBLOG users, do you see my custom image on this platoon page? (it sometimes is the last to load)
If you do, then I found how we can still use them:
1. Use the "choose a file" button under the editor.
2. When you choose one, it should seemingly upload and redirect you back to the main page, showing you it did NOT upload.
3. Go put on an emblem with the basic editor, it can be literally anything because next time you load up your platoon page after you save this one, it should load up your custom image. You may have to clear your cache.
Please post your results.
Theme Developer
And then you discovered America :)
Custom platoon emblems is a BBLog feature, that you can enable in the options. Only BBLog users can see the custom imgs...
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Yes but most recently we were unable to even upload BBLOG images... it would return a 500 server error.
In fact, go try for yourself now if you want. Create a new platoon, and see if you can upload an emblem without using my method. I bet you won't be able to.
Global Moderator
And then you discovered America :)
Again. Emblem Upload is a BBLog Feature, as Juress said. And if you dont see it have to do with your old data in the cache or just too much server traffic and our server is slowly.
after you have uploaded it its possible that it takes a few minutes till its really visible.
This features is re-integrated with BBLog v3.
It don't worked for a few weeks before BBLog v3 has been released.
Umm yeah, it's pretty obvious to me that custom emblems is a BBLOG feature.
BrainFooLong, you post in that thread multiple times. Your last post in it was: "It cannot be fixed. Only DICE can make it working again."
Am I missing something? You guys are acting oblivious to this ever being an issue.
I just tried, once again, to upload a custom emblem on a new platoon I just created and it did not work.
So maybe now you guys can tell me something I don't know?
I just found a way after i wrote the posts you mention.
Global Moderator
KFxNash wrote:
BrainFooLong, you post in that thread multiple times. Your last post in it was: "It cannot be fixed. Only DICE can make it working again."
the quote from brain says only, that its NOT POSSIBLE to save the uploaded Emblem on the BATTLELOG Server. Now our new way is, the uploaded emblem will be saved on OUT GETTBBLOG server.
Old way with BBLog Script:
upload emblem with feature from bblog, emblem was saved on battlelog server, everybody (that means people without bblog too) was able to see the uploaded emblem.
New way with BBLog Script:
upload emblem with re-builded feafure from bblog, emblem will be saved on our getbblog server (because on battlelog it isn't possible anymore), only users with BBLog can see it.
Well, glad to hear we can still use our own pictures. The way I see it whoever