Sponsor - Hosters.at - Better Battlelog with a better server - Better Battlelog Forums #64028

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Hi people!

It was a long long way but now BBLog has found a great sponsor that support us with a better root server.
Now we be able to handle up to 10.000 User's online at the same time. I hope, that mark will not be reached too fast.... :-)

As you can see on the right side, the banner is from our sponsor.
Hosters.at give you high quality, server, gameserver, voice and many more, whatever you can imagine for gaming purposes.

I say thank you to our sponsor, for a good and success future.
Holy mama, NICE!

I hope, that mark will not be reached too fast.... :-)

Well, I can already see 7,7K, so I wouldn't be so sure about that :D
juress wrote:
Well, I can already see 7,7K, so I wouldn't be so sure about that :D

don't care about that... it way today aready up by nearly 8'000 ;-)
Thanks to our sponsor =)
It was nearly 9,000; thanks Aftermath! :D
Sounds good
Does teamembers have a discount? :3
Awesome :)
Well, a 10% Coupon for hosters.at, especially for BBLog users :-)
