Custom Dogtags - Better Battlelog Forums #65863

Post edited 2 x times, last by
Any chance you could make it so that I could change my dogtags on battlelog to my own design eg I designed these that are displayed in my presentation from downloading the default tag and editing it in photoshop, it would be cool if I could display these as my actual dogtags on the battlelog even if its only to be viewed by other bblog users?

I will think about it. Idea is good.
mrbishi-1980 wrote:
it would be cool if I could display these as my actual dogtags on the battlelog even if its only to be viewed by other bblog users?

yeps, only BBLog users would see them. but, what would be good?
you can NOT wear them ingame, you can NOT show them ingame.

so anyway you have to select to normal dogtags. because of that it doesn't make sence to upload custom dogtags. and no its not the same like the platoon emblem. because they are only visible in Battlelog.

my opinion.
Sure, hadn't thought about the in-game thingy.