I hope,that i´m not alone with this problem.-After the bblog update 3.0.0 and all following versions it is not possible to put the url linkadress by klicking the right mousebutton in the url-folder !
everytime i do this,the bblog window closed.
And the other thing is,the costume background 1234le and my selfmade backgrounds still not working!
Have anyone of you an idea??????????????????????????
Global Moderator
have you enabled themes and custom background?
Post edited 6 x times, last by
at first i use this onehttp://www.imagebanana.com/view/ucwxr8k3/1234le1480x1800.jpg
but now i have rezised a aftermath picture to the same size as the soldier background,and it doesnt work on battlelog,but it is shown correct on my PC.that look so http://www.imagebanana.com/view/rogwjqii/Battlefield_3_Aftermath_Premium_1480.jpg
the theme that i use now, is the bandar desert theme-this one works good-
the other official themes are not likely for me-the best for me was the dark theme with orange letters and the costume background for bblog together !
but this setup is no longer available in the forum for themes or plugins,after the modified bblog is started!
And-Yes I Have enabled all options that this konfiguration needed.
i am a little bit clever for an old german gamer-you can be sure
Post edited 2 x times, last by
Global Moderator
Global Moderator
Tested some things for you.
We need to ask Amkhatar to change the codes a bit of the Bandar Desert theme. For one reason or another the theme automatically forces the original background, so it is impossible to change the background with that theme.
All other themes work fine with the background feature.
I've changed the code a bit by myself, this code should do the job for you. (your background is already processed)
Just get Amkhatar to remove the !important from the background line, all will be fine after that.
Theme Developer
xXJumpyXx wrote:
Just get Amkhatar to remove the !important from the background line, all will be fine after that.
Will be done in next release in few days
that is cool, but i dont know,where the button is, to change the scrollmode of the background.
so you can only see the top of the picture,but this is sized for scrollmode.
for me it were a good thing to test ,if you can give me to more trys.-
The First is:please make this jpg.suitable for the themeswitcherhttp://www.imagebanana.com/view/new13yef/Battlefield_3_Aftermath_Premium_1920.jpg
The second is:if it is possible,let us test two different colormasks of the letters - one in light green and another in deep orange,so we can see what match better together to the backgounds-
Thanks a lot for your support.
Global Moderator
everything about background image can you find in this topic:
you can find there a lot of examples and descriptions.
i understand nothing of the facts there.
its hard to edit such komplex modifications if you do or better-try-that at the first time in your life.
im a gamer not a programmer,sorry.That is all new for me.
Post edited 1 x times, last by
Global Moderator
Global Moderator
my description in the linked topic is only for the function "change background image".
its a simple puzzle. you have to follow the steps from 1) or from 2.1), 2.2) and else till you arrived in the bottom.
each step describes between which options you can choose. if you dont understand it, look at the examples.
Post edited 5 x times, last by
hello,here i am again.I ask juress for help,because he is very good in this part of css programming.
He did what i want,and more.So we made this Theme-http://juress.wz.cz/bblog/bandarSoldiers.css- You must insert the file in the Theme switcher and disable the Background changer , then press f5 and you get the result,what i mean.
On My Laptop it looks sohttp://i.imagebanana.com/img/38lj2d7m/Soldierscreenshot.PNG
we made also that onehttp://juress.wz.cz/bblog/bandarAftermath.css,also with unabled background ,the background jpg´s are now in it !!!
Global Moderator
i amkhatar would take out the !important and you would follow my introductions from "change background image" it would be the same result on an easier way. dont know, did amkhatar already changed his theme?