I am using a Google Chrome (23.0.1271.97 m) now. And since version 3.1.3 of BBlog I have a problem. In my quest information is not displayed, it says. 'Data is loading. Please wait. It could take some seconds." and nothing happens. If i use 3.1.1 verion of BBlog, assigments working properly. I try use Mozilla Firefox, first there was the same inscription 'Data is loading. Please wait. It could take some seconds.", but a few minutes later, the data is displayed. But this does not happen in Chrome. I was hoping that this will be fixed in the update, but today I downloaded the new version and nothing has changed.
Can you help me?
thanks in advance
p.s. sorry for my english? I`m from Russia.
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Plugin Developer
Plugin Developer
Current version is 3.2.0, so try it with this version. In my Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m, they're working (both on 3.1.3 and 3.2.0). And with the English, it's OK, almost nobody here has English as their native language :)
You always need to use the newest version.
And when you see "Data is loading" please wait more than a few seconds.
In some cases it requires some minutes to fetch data from your previous reports.
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I have already updated to 3.2.0 and nothing shows. Not yet released 3.2.0, I did not write, hoping that the error will go away.
Thank you for trying to help.
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When I use Firefox shows "Data is loading" disappears after a few minutes. Some assigment`s data faster, some slower. When I use Chrome waited more than 30 minutes and nothing has changed.
If I remove and install the add-on version 3.1.1, everything works instantly. But then it is automatically updated and again there is no data.
Thank you for trying to help.
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For firefox it's working correct, when some are faster and some are slower.
For chrome, can you please do the following:
1. Press F12 and choose the "Console" Tab.
2. Goto the assignments page and do that what you ever do, until the data loading text.
3. If you see some errors in the console tab, post it here.
PS: And use v 3.1.1 is not recommended because some features maybe break your bblog storage/settings.
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If I open the assignments page and after press F12 and open console:
If I first press F12 and open console, and then push the button on the assignments page:
PS: For downgrading to 3.1.1 I have to remove and reinstall BBlog and settings also all removed.
Ok that is a good start. Can you tell me on which URL you are when this error happens?
But the error appears only when I click the button "Load your Better Battlelog Assignments now". I think it is a problem with Java Scripts on this button.
It happens when you press the button because after that all the data will be fetched.
I have no idea why it doesn't work for your, your browser doesn't receive the correct data from the reports and stats and therefore you have errors.
Have you installed any other extensions? Maybe a ScriptBlocker or AdBlocker?
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Yes I have extension "Adblock Plus 1.3.4". But I tried to turn it off and nothing changed. And BBlog 3.1.1 to work correctly with this extension.
Just now I tried to delete this extension and nothing changed, the data is still not loaded.
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The crazy thing is, there is no difference from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 for reading the data.
So, we can try more.
1. Again open F12 before you click the button and goto "Network" Panel.
2. At the bottom of this panel there should be more subtabs like "Documents, Scripts, XHR, ..." - Choose XHR
3. Click on the loading bblog assignments button and make a screenshot of the new requests ( i need to see the urls) that appers in the F12 window.
4. Than also click on the entry with the url that contains "weaponPopulateStats" -> Goto the right result window on the subtab "Response" and paste the resulttext also here.
Anything must be changed in the data is loaded in release 3.1.3?
This may be due to the fact that my profile is written in Russian letters or server response time?
I think i found the problem.
The problem is the language "ru". Can you please try it when you use this url
Than please goto the bottom of battlelog and there you will find a link where you can change the language (beside this text: 2012 EA DIGITAL ILLUSIONS CE AB. All rights reserved. Version: production-21)
Yes, you are right!
With English it work properly! :-)
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Thank you very much for your help!
While I will use the English, after the next update I will try to use Russian.