BBlog Rank and BBlog Service Star? - Better Battlelog Forums #88605

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What do these exactly mean? Why can't I see either of them on my soldier even I am 100 colonel but I am able to see other 100 colonels BBlog rank and BBlog service stars?
I guess you are not higher than level 145, therefore you can't see that rank.
I just got promoted to rank 145, to see my BBlog rank and BBlog service stars does it mean that I have to get another rank promotion in points when in fact I am already at max rank?
Eliittihemuli wrote:
I just got promoted to rank 145, to see my BBlog rank and BBlog service stars does it mean that I have to get another rank promotion in points when in fact I am already at max rank?

Yes, it continues counting your score into ranks and displays them.
Ah, now I understand it!
Like this dude:

rank 820...
juress wrote:
Eliittihemuli wrote:
I just got promoted to rank 145, to see my BBlog rank and BBlog service stars does it mean that I have to get another rank promotion in points when in fact I am already at max rank?

Yes, it continues counting your score into ranks and displays them.