BF4 First Gameplay Trailer - Analysis - Better Battlelog Forums #91482


The first gameplay trailer has released, i watched it and i post my opinions here

1. The graphics looks a bit better than for BF3.
2. The trailer is made on the PC - Yessssss.

1. Pretty much all is very similar to BF3. Vehicles (Helicopter, Jeep). Have also the same sounds.
2. Pretty much the same interface technique and color.
3. Destruction still "predefined" and not really dynamic. At 8:13 you see it, only some parts of the building be destroyed, expected is a greater damage.
4. Overall, it looks more like an BF 3.5 than a BF 4, but that's just the Single Player, maybe they revolutionate the MP.
Everything looks the same, except the water and maybe the explosions. Don't see the need for Frostbite 3 (name change/upgrade).
Russians have the BF3 MP models, wow, srsly...
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They really need the destruction system from Red Faction: Guerilla. That was the best game when you want destroy all with just your hammer :)
sais everything, my opinion xD
And the sad moment is here - people pre-ordering a game they've seen in a 17 minutes long singleplayer trailer. lulwutomfg
thats right, juress xD
juress wrote:
And the sad moment is here - people pre-ordering a game they've seen in a 17 minutes long singleplayer trailer. lulwutomfg

There will be hundreds of thousends pre-order for the deluxe version, just because of the fixed beta access. That's the way how the worst company EA make money with unsuspecting people :)
that's why i love Rockstar. They NEVER release a Beta of their Games, just the final game after intensive testing. and thats the reason why GTA V will be published in September and not already March/April like they planned in the beginning. and thats the way it should go.
This style of campaign reminds me of MOHW campaign, just explosions e hollywood effects, overall bad. Not excited at all, especially for the Rihanna song (wth?) and the "dubstep"(?) of the new theme (at the end of the 17 minutes video you hear it).
Dendari wrote:
and the "dubstep"(?) of the new theme (at the end of the 17 minutes video you hear it).

WTF? ohh nooo i didnt watch these last secounds!
DAMT NOO not this fucking dumbstep shit.. waahh DICE what have you done?!?
ORFK wrote:
waahh DICE what have you done?!?

Ultra commercialized.
Yea, dat theme is terrible.
So many ppl preorder that 70€(!) deluxe edition and 2 months from release the Premium comes with 5 more DLCs and they will be crying why do they have to pay for that one DLC they got from Deluxe edition again.

Aaaah, I'm so exited to see that happen :D
juress wrote:
Yea, dat theme is terrible.
So many ppl preorder that 70€(!) deluxe edition and 2 months from release the Premium comes with 5 more DLCs and they will be crying why do they have to pay for that one DLC they got from Deluxe edition again.

Aaaah, I'm so exited to see that happen :D

You may laugh but my first intention was, hell yeah i want to pre-order the deluxe thingy because it's better than normal, doesn't matter what is better. But seconds later my "brain" says to me: "Stop acting like a stupid idiot, you fool"
Well, now I'm even more sure I won't buy BF4. I still don't understand why people say it's using Frostbite 3, it's the same looking game as BF3 and MOHW, which both use FB2. I'll wait and see the multiplayer trailers, but I highly doubt it's going to be on my "must-buy" list.
i have ONLY one game on my "must-buy" list, and thats atm GTA V or in general, games from R*.
i will wait and see what they will release in autumn. AMT i'm more interested in the upcoming ArmA 3.
the only difference y noticed was: OMG! the sun is yellow! MY EYESSSSS!!!1
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So, some informations about BF4:

- No COOP - they want to focus on SP and MP
- No female characters in MP
- Frostbite 3 is an evolution (they've been working on it since 2011) not a revolution
- Destruction should be enhanced, appereantly they understand what players want from it and they learned more how to work with it
- Wind is a big thing in BF4, so everything will be reacting to it - cloths, trees and grass, water, rain, direction of the grenade you're throwing... (mehehe)
- SP should be more open, with more vehicles
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BrainFooLong wrote:
juress wrote:
And the sad moment is here - people pre-ordering a game they've seen in a 17 minutes long singleplayer trailer. lulwutomfg

There will be hundreds of thousends pre-order for the deluxe version, just because of the fixed beta access. That's the way how the worst company EA make money with unsuspecting people :)

All the people who have pre-ordered BF4 only for the beta are just fucked in the ass by DICE. Now all BF3 Premium members also have early access to the BF4 beta. Love those blaming threads in Battlelog's forum. :')
Meaurk wrote:
Now all BF3 Premium members also have early access to the BF4 beta. Love those blaming threads in Battlelog's forum. :')

yeah... thats simply awesome xD and all who had buyed MOH:W and dont play it anymore... i can only roftl.. xD
ORFK wrote:
i can only roftl.. xD

Roftl is the new rofl? :')
Yep, I am now a outsider :'(

I hope you're not mad at me.
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Yep, I am now a outsider :'(

I hope you're not mad at me.

No worries, you are not alone. Gonna preorder it as well (on amazon). I am totally a Battlefield fanboy, but I have to admit, it could be my last BF, depending on how good B4 will be.

I can't really analyze the trailer. It just shows the single player and that's imo the least interesting part about this game. Game mechanics/weapons/weapon setups could vary in the multi player.
I hope you're not mad at me.

We ain't mad at you, we're just laughing at you. :$
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10 Years back - A game comes out, people TEST it before with a playable DEMO, than the maybe gonna buy it

Today - A game comes out (in 6 months or later), people SEE it trailer, doesn't matter if this contains real gameplay or just alpha footage, and they buy it 6 months before release and before they have the information what game it will be, maybe battlefield 4 be a SP only game, muhaaaa *sarkasm*

10 Years in the future - A publisher group say they make maybe a game in 2 years that rock the world, no information of genre or anything else but pre-order is opened with a deluxe mega edition fo 200$, people will buy it
The thing is about the MOH:W Pre-Order Beta Access, they NEVER said it's a exklusive access. But it seems that nobody had noticed this, now all moh:w customers gonna whine'n flame.
Well, we are talking about EA in here... which remembers me...

Valve, please, don't become EA.
wasakakero wrote:
Well, we are talking about EA in here... which remembers me...

Valve, please, don't become EA.

Nah, they do the opposite. They let us wait for 10 years before they release the next Half Life :D
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I'm not a big fan of Half Life, i didn't finished the first one, it's to damn scary for me, i can't play any horror, or semi-horror game, it's to much for me.

But what they did to portal is the opposite of what EA is doing, Portal 1 was a good game, but Portal 2 was an experiencie like no other, and Counter Strike: Global Offensive is awesome, it's my new Battlefield from now on.

Edit: I was forgetting about this, Valve release their games in a REALLY LOW PRICE, i fell like im stealing, and their games are always on sale making their games really good loking at 3.74$, oh man, i love Valve.

And don't forget about free content, i.e

Portal 2: Map editor, and soundtrack for free.
L4D2: L4D1 content for free.
CS:GO: New maps and game modes for free.
Yup, Portal 2 with it's map editor and integrated steamworks is a blast for just a 4€...
Vlave is in my mind without a shadow of a doubt the best of the best.
BrainFooLong wrote:
The thing is about the MOH:W Pre-Order Beta Access, they NEVER said it's a exklusive access. But it seems that nobody had noticed this, now all moh:w customers gonna whine'n flame.

Nah, I pre-ordered it for the SP, the guaranteed Beta access was a plus. I also got it really cheap with the BF3 Premium 50% off offer.
I will be pre-ordering probably, but only after seeing some MP gameplay and hopefully playing in the beta. I will only pre-order it on amazon because they are cheaper usually, EA get less money from it anyway, and I can cancel the pre-order. I trust amazon (would do more if they paid tax but hey) a lot more than EA.
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Everything looks the same, except the water and maybe the explosions. Don't see the need for Frostbite 3 (name change/upgrade).
Russians have the BF3 MP models, wow, srsly...
I reckon they are just place holders. ea and dice have plenty of time to change them and i think they will. Remember this is months before release. this is not the finished product and they've only really started after the last map pack was released. So like i said before, the character models are probs just place holders till they have developed actual models for the game itself.
I think Lvlcap ( explains the trailer pretty good and I tend to agree a lot with him.

Truth is - Battlefield is an awesome game and if the general player base will move (and they obviously will) to a new platform, then we will have to follow like the good herd of sheep that we are :P Oh, and we will like it, even if we bitch about changes.
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In that video, it seems like DICE got the blue-tint-on-everything phase out of their system. They went the opposite way and desaturated the HUD and left any tint out of the 3D view. :)
GameFreakBoy wrote:
In that video, it seems like DICE got the blue-tint-on-everything phase out of their system. They went the opposite way and desaturated the HUD and left any tint out of the 3D view. :)

As far as i remember from really old BF3 videos, the blue tint wasn't in the alpha.
Did anyone noticed?

meh, pointless nonsence...
Pun1a wrote:
Did anyone noticed?


It's probably some kind of achievement/record system, where you can share scores/times/whatever with friends.
Pun1a wrote:
Did anyone noticed?


I don't know why i don't post it here before:

I find some interesting things in this trailer:

- Cardinal directions in minimap (like old BFs);
- An ammo MAGICALLY APPEARS in soldier's gun;
- Best minimap (colors, icons);
- Less blue tint/filter;
- 3 shots to kill (SP, but it's ok);
- Why the player in this demos is so noob?
- You can gave orders to friends/IA;
- It's seems like an Coop, not a SP mode;
- Fancy graphics, raging sea, birds. But hud's jeep even works;
- Bigger 3D spot;
- Better integration with Origin/Battlelog (with Trophies/Achievements! And live compare with your friend scores.);
- This mission is BF4 Prologue;
- Enemy sniper drops an AEK-971 after destruction of ceiling;
- Obvious animations only used in SP;
- At least, the hud of civilian car works!;
- After car crash, we receive an confirmation wich Russia and China are in the game;
- BF4 will have an mission called "Hanna's Back/Escort/Whatever" and this will be important (just my 2cents... :P)
He's noob, sice he played it with a controller... I'd be a noob with a controller.
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juress wrote:
He's noob, sice he played it with a controller... I'd be a noob with a controller.

We are all noobs with a controller, unless you play constantly with it...

I tried just now... i suck as hell...