DICE developing a new Star Wars game - Better Battlelog Forums #97725

It's official, DICE, Visceral Games (Dead space) and BioWare is working on several new Star Wars games.
What do you think?
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nothing what would be positive...
3 studios working on one game... cant be good. we saw it already with MOH:W which was created by DICE and Danger Zone ^^
I'll wait and see.

ORFK wrote:
nothing what would be positive...
3 studios working on one game... cant be good. we saw it already with MOH:W which was created by DICE and Danger Zone ^^

DICE didn't work on MOHW. Also it's possible those studios won't work on one game but different ones (Battlefront 3 by DICE for example).
MOHW was developed only by Danger Close. DICE provided frostbite engine, thats all.
As far as I know, BioWare is making one game and DICE + Visceral is making another one. Or maybe each is making one, dunno.
Dendari wrote:
DICE didn't work on MOHW.

juress wrote:
MOHW was developed only by Danger Close. DICE provided frostbite engine, thats all.

sorry but both posts are not true. The main lead of the development was by Danger Close, thats right. But DICE had developed the multiplayer mode and Danger Close only the singleplayer campain.
ORFK wrote:
Dendari wrote:
DICE didn't work on MOHW.

juress wrote:
MOHW was developed only by Danger Close. DICE provided frostbite engine, thats all.

sorry but both posts are not true. The main lead of the development was by Danger Close, thats right. But DICE had developed the multiplayer mode and Danger Close only the singleplayer campain.

That was the case with the previous MOH (2010).
MOH:W was developed solely by Danger Close.
I guess DICE just provide the Frostbite Engine and both other studios produce the game.
I also guess DICE is more a consulting company for games with the Frostbite, to help the other companies in development. Except of that are the real DICE only games like Battlefield.
BrainFooLong wrote:
I guess DICE just provide the Frostbite Engine and both other studios produce the game.
I also guess DICE is more a consulting company for games with the Frostbite, to help the other companies in development. Except of that are the real DICE only games like Battlefield.

Nah, almost all DICE employees I have on twitter already said that DICE is in fact going to be developing a Star Wars game.
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Star Wars? EA?

So, we can expect a "Force DLC"? Maybe premium to change camos (or lights in this case) on weapons?
Nah, different color sabers for $1,99 a month :)
juress wrote:
ORFK wrote:
Dendari wrote:
DICE didn't work on MOHW.

juress wrote:
MOHW was developed only by Danger Close. DICE provided frostbite engine, thats all.

sorry but both posts are not true. The main lead of the development was by Danger Close, thats right. But DICE had developed the multiplayer mode and Danger Close only the singleplayer campain.

That was the case with the previous MOH (2010).
MOH:W was developed solely by Danger Close.

This (juress quote) is true.