Assignments Load !!! - Better Battlelog Forums #98856

Post edited 2 x times, last by
The Assignments loading symbol load the whole time !

Here a pictures

MFG RushOr
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Edit: Herpaderp
Not bblog related
Post edited 3 x times, last by
Brady_The wrote:
Edit: Herpaderp

Thanks for the Minus. Next time I will not remove my wrong answer. Guess "Post edited 3x times" and "
" and even the word "
" weren't enough clues. Welcome to the internet Sir.
Post edited 2 x times, last by
When disable BetterBL the Problem is not since

Here a Video

Its a Bug From BetterBL, why close that threed ?

MFG RushOr
It's a vintage theme feature...
If you don't like it, don't use the theme (its outdated anyway).
Its only with the

Vintage Theme: № 1 by T3RRORTOAST v OUT OF DATE

@ Theme Switcher

MFG Rush
jep, so Terrortoast have to solve it.
he have to fix his theme, the theme is not in case of the BBLog Developer.
you can post this issue in the Theme Topic from Terrortoast.
Thx for help, have a nice day :)