Extended Friendlist - Better Battlelog Forums #98930

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This is my first plugin for BBLog, so don't be mad if something isn't correct coded.


At first I want to thank twm-killerkeks, his thread kinda motivated me doing this.
Second I want to thank Pun1a, his code helped me a lot while creating this plugin. (His server is also motivating, check it out on battlelog!)

Back to the plugin: It adds a new seperator to the com center, your personal "extended friendlist".

If you want to add / remove someone to / from your ext. friendlist, just visit the profile and click the

When the person is online he will be displayed, also if he's playing you can join him. If the person is offline he won't be displayed.

If you want to refresh the list just click the refresh button next to "Com Center" (see first screenshot).


v1.0.0 - First release
v1.1.0 - Options & Translation + Bugfixes
v1.2.0 - Remove friends directly from the show friends popup
v1.2.5 - Bugfixes and more
v1.3.0 - [url="http://getbblog.com/en/board/topic/98930/2/Extended-Friendlist#post-108584"]Implemented a Cache![/url]
v1.3.XX - BF4 compatibility + fixes the oldest bug (list too long, but no scrollbar)

Have fun, don't stalk too much and don't annoy youtubers with hacks!
You can leave me suggestions here, if you want.

- Kurtextrem
Derp, my fail. Thank you.


("extended" (just comments etc) code:
kurtextrem wrote:

Second I want to thank Pun1a, his code helped me a lot while creating this plugin.
(His server is also motivating, check it out on battlelog!)

hehe. Saw him yesterday randomly on my metro server! :D
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You should re-change the position of the refresh button, in spanish where Com Center is translated to "Centro de Comunicaciones" it's a really long word making the refresh button hide behind the search players button.

I don't know about other languages.

Edit: also, it doesn't work for me, i've tried with people on my friend list, people i don't know, but they don't appear in the list, no matter how many times i press the refresh button.
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The refresh button previously was next to the "Extended Friendlist" caption, the problem with that is: sometimes it completely disappears and I don't know how to fix it. The only position where it isn't removed is the "Com Center". I have an idea where I could move it, but I need a screenshot of the spanish com center.

Are you sure they were online / playing? It's working fine for me.
and again thank you for your work
it's awesome :D
There you go.

It isn't working for me too, i can add and add players to my list but noone is shown. also if i join a profile of another player it shows the button "remove from ext. friendslist", but i didn't add the player .. i think there is a problem with the button and that's why noone can be added
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Can't reproduce. It's working for me in both Firefox and Chrome.
Players are only shown if they're playing / online. Sometimes the list disappears, just click the refresh button then.

Changed the position of the refresh button now. Should be fine now. Clearing the browser cache can be necessary.
If you have more suggestions, leave them here.
It doesn't work for me :( tested with firefox and chrome
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kurt do you have teamspeak or something like that, or teamviewer so you can take a look into this issue?

please add me in Battlelog:
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Yes I have. Added you on battlelog.
Still working fine for me

@Terror: Would love to add you aswell, but your friendlist is full LOL
Battlelog logic, you can send me a request but I can't accept
i will add you too
my name is l_like_Chocolate
now it is running at my side, does not know, what was the clue
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v1.0.5 is out. Clear the browser cache or visit
and press strg+f5
Major changes from other versions:
- Welcome alert
- The list won't disappear anymore
- The refresh button is blinking every 15 sec, reminding you to click it

Known bugs:
1. If the ext. fl is too long you can't view some parts due to no scrollbar available.
2. If the person is not playing on PC it is displayed as PC
1. Click 2x on the "friends online" collapse thing. A scrollbar will automagically appear.
2. Don't stalk people if you're not on the same system lol
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i am experiencing a problem just now:


Deleting the plugin doesnot help...

Problem only on german BL, changing language to en and it works again :)
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Fixed the language specific battlelog problem
Made the refresh button less annoying

As ever, clearing the browser cache may be required.
After 18 days of exsisting and using this plugin, I only can say: " Thank you!"
It's works very fine to me and I can see when YouTubers and other Guys are playing.
it's just awesome!! It helps me out a lot :)
hope you keep it up :D
doesn't work :(
Still working fine for me.
nothing happens when i click on the button
Do you know, that you only can see added people, when they are online or playing?

Add to ext. friendlist -> Reload -> still Add to ext. friendlist
when you have installed (in Firefox) NoScript/ / (in Chrome) Not Scripts, then unlock the skript of the Plugin.
Otherwise you should add somebody whos online and check if it works then.

I don't know many ways, because i didn't create this plugin ;)
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The new update broke my plugin, I'll fix it as soon as possible.

Edit: I think I fixed it. (12:02)
Use the same update method as ever.
I uploaded a new stalk.js version, if you are using it, tell me if everything is working fine. I'll upload it then minified (extfriendlist.js).
That new version features a complete translation + options.
Triple post for the win, lol

So ext. friendlist v1.1.0 is out, this new version features a english / german translation, options in the menu and bug fixes. You can now
view your friends
in an
(search for it in the BBL options).
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v1.1.1 is out, fixes a bug where a clean install could not add friends.

Expect v1.2.0 in a few days, where you can remove players directly from the show friends popup.
v1.2.0 is rolling out, you can now remove friends directly in the show friends popup.
v1.2.5 is out. This one fixes the bug that, no matter what game is played, BF3 pc was shown. (I finally fixed it cause my stalk list now tended more to play MoHW, I was getting sick getting redirected to the MoHW Servers everytime..).
Let me know if you found any bugs.

P.S: Joining these servers isn't working I guess.
I found one "bug".
You can look in the clean and bright theme-topic.
I listed it there. ;)

I answered there :)
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I'm not quite sure if my plugin is working as the whole BBLog isn't. (post update)
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My plugin is not working after 3.6.0. I might have found a way to get the location where people are playing even though they disabled showing it, but I bet this will be fixed as soon as more people notice it or as soon as DICE would stalk my plugin... So it is not worth it, because the method is really complicated.

Also DICE seems to respond 500 if you try to ajax request the player profile but well.. That won't stop anyone lol.

I'll release an update later which will fix that.

Edit: It will take longer as expected, as they force me to stick with a JSON response instead of HTML. I need to find the correct values.
I fixed it now and it is easier than I initially thought to get the server...
This version also adds error nicknames (like when they changed their name) to the ext fl list, so you can remove them in the options.

The only thing which may be a bit annoying is, that if you click on the user names the Battlelog will do a complete reload (instead of ajax loading).

As DICE now removed the stalking function in the native battlelog people will sooner or later start noticing my plugin. If you're a person which does not want to get stalked, send me a message and I'll add you to the excluded list.
Fixed: "The only thing which may be a bit annoying is, that if you click on the user names the Battlelog will do a complete reload (instead of ajax loading)."
Also added a loading indicator.
I really like the new remove funktion ;)
Good work ^^
hi Kurt,

with the new Battlelog-version the Show-Friends-Button does not work anymore at my pc.

is this a global bug or only related to my pc?

Looks like it's related to you. It's working fine here.
kurtextrem wrote:
Looks like it's related to you. It's working fine here.

Yep for me too
Released a new version.
v1.3 - A better cache (You can see it when "-Cache-" is next to the "EXT. FRIENDLIST" seperator. This drastically reduces server requests. Also some other fixes and changes (A remove button is now added instead of "Remove!" and the view friends popup has now a specific height now it won't move out of the window anymore)
Updated for BF4.
v1.3.11 - Fixed joining servers
v1.3.15 - Fixed buttons won't appear after the maintenance today + removed the collapse offline option (as it's collapsed by default now)
v1.3.16 - Fixed some bugs regarding the "cache".
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I get a double button on some BF4 profiles.
I'll look into it.
Visit the link and press Strg (Ctrl) + F5 to get the latest version.
Now the only problem I can see is that the button will overlap the actual add as friend, chat, and other buttons when they have a country selected and displayed on their profile.
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Already fixed, but thank you :)
(.18 - Other bf4 specific fixes)
I have finally fixed the oldest bug remaining in this plugin:
No scrollbar even though the list is too long, yay! :D

the plugin doesnt work with german battlelog
It does, are you sure you have the newest version? Clear your browser cache.
(I've released v1.3.21 today, which fixes some bugs)
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kurtextrem wrote:
It does, are you sure you have the newest version? Clear your browser cache.
(I've released v1.3.21 today, which fixes some bugs)

So it works?
kurtextrem wrote:
So it works?



nothing happens. when i click on refresh the "load icon" is gone but nothing happens

Works for me. Which browser do you use? Can you take a screenshot of the developer console, if there is any error?
Post edited 1 x times, last by
kurtextrem wrote:
Works for me. Which browser do you use? Can you take a screenshot of the developer console, if there is any error?

tested with chrome and firefox

Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)
Surface logging enabled
Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: (min-resolution: 144dpi)
Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-surface-friendrequests was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-surface-friends was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-party was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id surface-comcenter-area was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
body.scrollTop is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollTop' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollTop' only if in quirks mode.
body.scrollLeft is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollLeft' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollLeft' only if in quirks mode.
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'profileCommon' of undefined stalk.js:242
Received message of type object from
expected a string all.js:56
Trying to call refresh() on non-existing surface $S("selected-server-scoreboard").

12:29:03.802 "Surface logging enabled" bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:42
12:29:03.947 "Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-surface-friendrequests was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten" bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
12:29:03.947 "Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-surface-friends was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten" bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
12:29:03.947 "Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id comcenter-party was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten" bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
12:29:03.947 "Duplicate Surface: A Surface with id surface-comcenter-area was rendered more than once, old state will be overwritten" bundle_base_bottombundles_2189137393.js:68
12:29:07.283 "Trying to call refresh() on non-existing surface $S("selected-server-scoreboard")."
Should be fixed with v1.3.22
kurtextrem wrote:
Should be fixed with v1.3.22

tested with random players

I can't reproduce the bug. It looks like it either adds the player wrong or the wrong URL is loaded, but I can't manage to produce one of those. (Tested with both fresh bblog and old installation)
"pt" : {
"fix.exp" : "Ajuste do Banner Evendo de Experiência Dobrada",
"fix.exp.tooltip" : "Ajusta o Banner Evento de Experiência Dobrada para melhor paginação.",
"fix.showAll": "Mostrar 'TUDO' na janela de Atividade de Jogo.",
"firstStepText1": "Informação da Lista Estendida de Amigos",
"firstStepText2": "Bem-vindo!",
"firstStepText3": "Para adicionar amigos à sua lista estendida acesse o perfil requerido e clique em 'Ad. à lista estendida'.",
"firstStepText4": "A lista estendida é mostrada abaixo da lista de amigos offline.",
"firstStepText5": "Se desejar atualizar a lista pressione o botão "Atualizar" próximo à caixa de procura",
"firstStepText6": "Por favor, reporte erros no Fórum do BBLog",
"firstStepText7": "O que há de novo:",
"firstStepText8": "Ajuste ao novo Battlelog ao mostrar nome errados na lista estendida.",
"buttonTooltip": "Adicione este soldado à lista estendida",
"buttonRemoveTooltip": "Remover este soldado da lista estendida",
"refreshTooltip": "Última Atualização:",
"showFriends": "Mostrar Amigos",
"away": "Ocupado",
"remove": "Remover!",
"unknown": "Desconhecido."
I have the same problem like EODBot in the german Battlelog ...
I'd love to help you guys, but I can't as I can't reproduce it.
it's really easy to reproduce, just change your battlelog language to german and hardreload battlelog (ctrl +f5)
had the problem earlier when i changed my language to read a newspost in the german forums, switching back to the english version fixed it for me :)
why does not work in other languages​​?

that to do to work in other languages​​?

help please!
The latest battlelog update broke my plugin, that is fixed now. Also, I've included another try of fixing the language bug. Please clear your browser cache and test. Thanks!
Post edited 1 x times, last by
I'm on PS4 and when i try to join friends using the Extended Friendslist it says that i need to be online with my PC soldier (even though i don't have bf4 on pc). I am online on my ps4 and the blue bar appears at the bottom of my battlelog screen.

Each time I refresh the page or open a new battlelog log tab I get that Extended Friend List popup message showing the version and update log.

This is very annoying, is there any means by which I can disable the popup please?
Hi I don't know where to ask this so I hope it is ok to ask you ...How or where do I install the code to use the extended friendslist...sorry I am not very good at that kinda stuff=) and also is there an FAQ on how to post pics here ...I couldn't see one

Thanks heaps=)
DebonaireBeef06 wrote:
Hi I don't know where to ask this so I hope it is ok to ask you ...How or where do I install the code to use the extended friendslist...sorry I am not very good at that kinda stuff=) and also is there an FAQ on how to post pics here ...I couldn't see one

Thanks heaps=)

Copy this link:

Go to Battlelog then open "Better Battlelog Option" (upper left on Battlleog), click on "Plugins", enter the link in the textfield and press enter. Reload the page (F5) and the plugin is active.
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Many thanks to you - I nearly had it right lol Awesome now I can add away!!!! Awesome work all!!